They call me Communist because I'm all about social action!

They call me Communist because I’m all about social action!

FrancisChurch may seem like a completely new kind of Catholicism, but it’s not new.  The more you learn about it, the more you can see it’s all been done before.  In Kerknet Google Translation we read: before new ‘martyr’ Oscar Romero has even been beatified yet another ‘saint of the people’ has emerged from the Pope’s Latin America; home of  the poor, the poor, the poor and the oppressed….oh and the marginalized.

Mgr. Fernando Antônio Saburido OSB, Archbishop of Olinda and Recife (Brazil), Rome has asked for permission to his archdiocese the beatification process for Dom Helder Camara, the legendary “bishop of the poor”, to boot. Rome investigating the case. So wrote the French newspaper La Croix ‘Monday.

Can you imagine if our Lord in His day went around bleating continuously about the poor and their evil oppressors?  Instead of dying on a cross he might have lived to be ninety like our new FrancisChurch saint.

Dom Helder Camara (1909-1999), the symbol of liberation theology in Latin America, the firm took on the poor. In 1964 he became Archbishop of Olinda and Recife, in one of the poorest regions of Brazil. He left the Archbishop’s palace and went to live in a slum.

No Pope should live in the Pope’s house and no archbishop in the archbishop’s house!  What do you think I am, an archbishop?  I’m not one of those evil elitist Church-people you know.  The poor are at the center of MY Gospel.

Dom Helder Camara founded a seminary where the formation of the priest candidates in social action was as important as the theological formation.

Let me see.  Theology is about God, Truth, and the Catholic Faith. Social Action is about radical agitation, envy, guerilla  war, and Communist thuggery.  He’s right!  They are equally important!

He opposed the then military dictatorship in his country when the military him as ‘communist’ and ‘demagogue’ labeled. “When I give food to the poor, they say I’m a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they say I’m a communist, “said Dom Helder Camara then.

Wait a minute, that’s the Pope’s line, yes?  Communism stole the Catholic flag.  It’s just Christianity.  All I do is love the poor and people call me a Communist. I thought Pope Francis made that up?

Is there a slight chance that people called Oscar Romero, Dom Helder Camara, and Pope Francis Communists because they act like Communists, not because they love the poor?  Is it possible to love the poor without raving against the unjust system like a Communist? Can people who are neither poor themselves nor socialists actually love the poor?

No. It’s not possible.  In that 1970’s Latin American world of Pope Francis there was either the Church of the Poor or the greedy enablers of the repressive murderous ‘military dictatorship’ (many of whom respected the rule of law and were actually faithful Catholics).

In 1979, Pope John Paul II brought openly tribute to Dom Helder Camara, during his visit to Brazil, but in 1985 appointed Msgr. José Cardoso Sobrinho as his successor. And that immediately made a tabula rasa of everything Dom Helder Camara had built.

Once again John Paul II turns out to be one of them.  He must have been in the pocket of the U.S. money-machine backing all the Latin American oppressors.  Thank goodness the Church is finally free from their influence and we can go back to moving forward, ever forward even more toward the people!

The only issue here is that Camara can’t be a ‘martyr’ because he wasn’t shot.  Get ready for Dom Helder’s miracle.


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