About fgwalkers@att.net

Editor, Canon212.com

3 Thoughts on “Canon212 Update: In an Anti-Church, The Pope Calls Catholics Demons

  1. It’s the upside-down church: Catholics are demons, the “youth” have wisdom, the Church listens but does not teach, sin is good, tradition is uninspiring, Chris is not King, Mary is just a normal girl, science is above the Bible, women are more courageous than men, adulterers know how to make a marriage work, truth is rigid, order comes from making messes, Jesus didn’t have all the answers, confusion makes things clear . . . the list goes on and on. Just a big heresy fest.

  2. Anonymous on October 13, 2018 at 1:15 am said:

    There is the awesome power of the Holy Trinity…we are given it in baptism…call upon it with all your heart mind and soul…and the Blessed Mother and the true saints and the Holy Tradition. A very great blaspheme occurs on Sunday as a wicked and wretched man is elevated by the counterfeit church to the status of “saint”. The false pope will do it but let’s not be deceived….his predecessor raised him to the stature of venerable…a man of “heroic christian virtue”. That speaks volumes.

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