This morning our 82 year-old old Maltese priest reminded us how lucky we are that the Church gave us Vatican II:

They’ve simply returned the Church to the way is was back at the beginning before all the ‘useless accretions.’  The Church is so wise.  Before VII they had the same readings every year.  I used to know an old blind priest in Malta who could say the entire Mass by memory it was so predictable.  It was in a foreign language.  Nobody understood it.  You had to face ‘the wall.’  The three-year lectionary is so good now, even the Episcopalians use it.  There’s so much more scripture!

Several times he mentioned how, nevertheless, there are still a ‘few people’ left who complain about the new way.

Father managed to get all that in despite the downloaded gay FrancisHomily my pastor orders him to recite.  Then, at that ‘Prayer of the ‘Faithful,” we all prayed Americans would vote their conscience on Tuesday and that we would get the president we deserve!  The day I start praying for things I deserve, someone please stop me.  I’ve never been so glad I swore off those awful propaganda lists a year ago.

At the end of Mass, when the old people bring up their pixes for the nursing homes, Father blessed them, thanking God again for Vatican II, without which the home-bound would never receive Holy Communion.

Of course.  One remaining 82 year old priest isn’t going to do it all.

How blind must you be to spend a lifetime watching your work fail, your Church die, billions of souls lost and lives shattered, and still put the blame on fate?



2 Thoughts on “A Vatican II Prayer for the Election

  1. Amen. Anyone who prays to get what he deserves has no knowledge of our just God and who he is in relation to Him.
    This reminds me of the lady who recently complained that the “Lord, I am not worthy to receive You…” before receiving Jesus in Holy Communion should be removed from the Mass. The audacity.
    BTW, have you ever noticed how people are saying the Hail Mary in the Rosary these days? “…Holy Mary, pray for *our* sinners…” instead of US sinners.
    We have truly lost the sense of sin.

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