
In London recently “Philippine Francis” Cardinal Tagle taught us all about the new kind of FrancisMercy and how it must be applied throughout the entire Church and the world.  This FrancisMercy is much, much different than the bad, bad old Catholic mercy which harmed so many people psychologically now we’ve learned and therefore apologize.

FrancisMercy says, “I’m ok, you’re ok.”  FrancisMercy says, “Welcome, welcome.” It says Communion is a healing food for sinners, not some union with God and his Holy Church.  Go out to the peripheries, get the sinners and of course the poor, give everyone Holy Communion.

Then what will we have, a Church full of mortal sinners and sacrilege?  How does that help anyone?  How is it merciful?

Current head of the USCCB, Louisville’s Archbishop Kurtz, after heaping a few thanks, praises, and platitudes on Pope Francis and his upcoming synodal round of trouble, answered some questions for the National Catholic Register.

As one of four delegates to the upcoming ordinary synod, what message will you carry to Rome?

The dimension that I would bring is the unity and integrity of how we worship, how we believe and how we provide pastoral care. It will be very important that there is not a gap between the way we worship, believe and provide pastoral care.


Some lay Catholics are anxious as they watch this synodal process. They fear that something grave could happen, and they don’t seem to be satisfied with the answers that are being given. How have you tried to address such concerns in your own archdiocese?

I can’t say that I am hearing a great deal of anxiety. I sense that, in general, people are eager to reach out to those in need.

Of course, they also want assurance that we will not depart from the time-honored teachings of the Church. There is a rightful concern that we remain true to the teaching of the Church, and that is an attitude I will take to the synod.

People have raised two other issues. First, they want to hear encouragement for faithful witness to fidelity in marriage and family, both in daily life and in specific programs, such as marriage preparation.

Everyone needs to be inspired to the good.

Second, as we look at challenges of married life, we cannot forget the sacrifices spouses make. People mentioned families in which a child might have a disability or there is an unexpected illness. We need to make sure we are reaching out with pastoral care to people who live out their vows under great stress. This is a form of accompaniment.

Message:  If you have anxiety about the Synod I don’t hear you.  If you are worried the Church will formally break with it’s teaching don’t worry, I will bring a ‘good attitude’ about that.  We must always encourage and inspire to do right, but then again……

Next, after touching upon the Pope’s new streamlined annulment push, Abp. Kurtz answers some more direct questions pertaining to last year’s debacle.

What concerns have Catholic raised in public forums about the synods?

Many have talked about the pastoral need for patience from the Church and that it can be difficult for people, day to day, to live a good and faithful life. The Church, in addition to upholding our teaching, needs to offer patience.

A number of people also said they appreciated the opportunity to be listened to.

One common point is the fact that many people had directly experienced the suffering of a failed marriage or knew someone who had. They were sympathetic to the need to reach out to people.

Message:  We must demonstrate that we can apply ‘gradualism’ and create a Church environment where people with scandalous lives can be welcome, honored, and respected while we wait for them to do right. Meanwhile we can all learn from their wayward example and benefit from their leadership.

Media reports on the synods have suggested that the Church may change its teaching on same-sex “marriage” and related issues. What concerns have people expressed to you about this subject?

There is a great sense of compassion for people [with same-sex attraction]. They also want to be true to the teachings of the Church that are in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. And they want to make sure these teachings are put into practice; first, that every individual, regardless of orientation, be treated with dignity.

Second, many are also aware [of political] advocacy [on this issue] and want to make sure the Church’s definition of marriage as a union of one man and one woman is cherished and maintained.

Message: We have tremendous compassion for people attracted to the same sex.  It’s so much, much worse for them.  They just don’t get treated with dignity.  Nevertheless, though their advocates continuously force ever-wider acceptance of their perversions upon children, employers, and families; we must pretend to uphold marriage somehow while we bend to their demands.

Some members of episcopal conferences abroad have signaled that they want to provide Communion for Catholics who have divorced and civilly remarried but have not received annulments. What principles must be applied to evaluate such proposals so that there isn’t a break in the unity of doctrine, worship and pastoral practice?

The overall question is: How do we accompany people who are in irregular situations — separation and divorce, failed marriages and have sought to marry outside the Church? In those cases, it will be the task of the synod to look at many opportunities to provide pastoral care.

The delegates to the synod will have to evaluate each one of the proposals based on theological guidance [regarding its] effect on the theology of the Eucharist and on our need to be in grace as we approach the sacrament.

Message:  Even though there are only two ways to accompany people in ‘irregular situations’; i.e., either they move your way or you move theirs; we’re going to have to take a case-by-case look at this.  We will put each sinful situation in a case file, and while that case is being evaluated, we’ll move their way and they can receive Holy Communion!

This case-by-case mantra is emerging all over the place.

Finally, we can feel safe knowing that, as a last resort in ‘cases’ of Communion for adulterers, Archbishop Kurtz and the other Synod Fathers will be sure to punt this one to the assembled ‘theologians.’




Al Gore was in the news again Friday at the South by Southwest Conference pushing the cause for which he’s become synonymous: mankind is killing the weather.

“We need to put a price on carbon to accelerate these market trends,” Gore said, referring to a proposed federal cap-and-trade system that would penalize companies that exceeded their carbon-emission limits. “And in order to do that, we need to put a price on denial in politics.”

The Climate Change movement is only about one thing; force.  It’s a worldwide protection racket and the new FrancisVatican is 100% in compliance.  What’s more edifying than the most trusted name in religion selling an Al Gore-sized scam?

I’ll never forget the 2000 election.  Gore got all pumped up with muscles, then leaned all over George Bush during the debates, huffing and puffing and making quite the oaf of himself.  He couldn’t stand at the podium and be silent like a gentleman while his opponent responded.  He didn’t have it in him.

Next he threw a nationwide fit over the inability to inject quite enough fraud into the election to grab it.

Gore, who has made climate change an overriding theme since he lost to George W. Bush in the 2000 presidential election, made no mention of his political future. He took several questions from Twitter after his talk. None asked whether he was considering another run for the White House.

He said he hoped his third SXSW appearance would help promote the fight against climate change and to help put pressure on those who say it’s not a problem.

“We have this denial industry cranked up constantly,” Gore said. “In addition to 99 percent of the scientists and all the professional scientific organizations, now Mother Nature is weighing in.”

It’s really quite astounding how ever more preposterous things become doctrine in our television era.  Gay people are parents, gender is chosen, ISIS isn’t Islamic, climate change causes a crisis of inequality…and now it also causes terrorism.

He led a presentation on major weather events that he said could be attributed to human activity. He linked troubles in the Middle East at least partially to climate change, saying that drought drove more than a million Syrian refugees into cities already crowded with refugees from the Iraq war.

At one point, Gore’s presentation showed a slide of Pope Francis. “How about this Pope?” Gore said.

Cardinal Peter Turkson, a Vatican official who helped draft the Pope’s anticipated encyclical on the environment, said recently that the planet was getting warmer and that Christians needed to address the problem. Gore said he looks forward to release of the Pope’s document, expected in June or July.

“I’m not a Catholic,” Gore said, “but I could be persuaded to become one.”

Great.  That must be the New Evangelization.  Talk about hitting a periphery!

Now let’s see if it can get him to bend and kneel for something that’s not money.



Rorate Caeli reports in the translated story,

The priest and former Nicaraguan foreign secretary Miguel D´Escoto Brockmann said tday [Tuesday] that Cuban leader Fidel Castro is a chosen man of God to convey the message of the Holy Spirit in Latin America.

The Vatican may silence everyone, then God will make the stones speak, and may the stones spread his message, but He didn’t do this, He chose the greatest Latin-American of all time: Fidel Castro,” the religious, 81 years old, declared today to Channel 4 in the local [Nicaraguan] television.

On the day after the Vatican announced they’d lifted the suspension applied by Pope John Paul II, Fr. added,

It is through Fidel Castro that the Holy Spirit sends us the message. This message of Jesus, of the need to struggle to establish, firmly and irreversibly, the kingdom of God on this earth, which is his alternative to the empire.



Building Christ’s Kingdom on Earth



The Prophet

Furious English blogger, Mundabor makes this concise statement in response to the news of rehabilitated Sandinista priest, Fr. Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann:

“This is a priest in good standing, according to Pope Francis. The FFI is still persecuted, one of its founders still kept in seclusion and slandered.”


Francis Reinstates JPII’s Liberation Theologist Sandinista

For eleven years California native, suspended Fr. D’Escoto was foreign minister for Nicaragua’s socialist Ortega government where he lent his influence to communists and terrorists around the world praising the likes of Fidel Castro.

In his young pontificate, Pope Francis has begun to rehabilitate radical Latin American priests. He invited Liberation Theology founder Gustavo Guttierrez to meet with him in Rome and now has revived the priestly faculties of a priest who called Ronald Reagan a butcher.


Capitalism is not our way, the Way of the Gospel Must Prevail!

Today’s Vatican is worried that religious are living in ignorance of economic realities. “Gratuity, fraternity and justice” are the basic principles essential to “an evangelical economy of sharing and communion,” said Prefect of Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz.

Catholic News Service is reporting that the Cardinal and Secretary published a circular letter on the use of financial resources by religious orders, telling the communities they must “adopt modern budgeting and bookkeeping practices and ensure their expenditures are for ministries in line with their founding purpose and the good of the whole church.” They recommend getting professional outside audits of their books.

The letter also explains,

Because the most pressing needs of the Church and society may change over time, every order must “define which works and activities to pursue, which to eliminate or modify” and what new areas of ministry they should try to develop.

Delegating and disseminating financial information will help to “verify the real degree of personal and communal poverty” in the order, the letter says. The Cardinal then warns against ‘capitalism’ telling religious orders around the world that, “We live in a culture that considers capitalism to be the law that governs the use of money,” he said. “For religious, it should not be this way. It is the Gospel that must prevail.”


We want a professional outside audit and a proposal to revamp your ministries.

We want a professional outside audit and a proposal to revamp your ministries.




Iraqi Patriarch Speaks the Truth

Iraqi Patriarch Sako has asked Pope Francis to encourage world powers to stop providing economic aid and military partnerships to Islamists. The Iraqi Christians, after years of American involvement, are left completely without powerful support.

Asia News reports, “These “powers”, which Mar Sako does not mention directly, should ” vigorously exercise their pressure” on those who provide “economic support” and entertain “military ties” with the Islamists. The objective is to “cut the roots of violence and radicalisation.”

“His Beatitude notes that Iraqi Christians have a “vital need for emergency humanitarian aid” as well as “real, effective and permanent protection.”


He will be beheaded because he is Kaffir

“He will be beheaded because he is Kaffir, non-Muslim, sided [with] the government and was not praying at all. Everyone like him will have the same end, beheading.” Those are the words of a Syrian Islamist who sawed off the head of a man after forcing him to “deny his faith and salute Mohammed as “the messenger of God.” The Christian Post reports, “The incident was caught on video for the world to see and broadcast as a warning to “everyone like him.”


Rainbow Sash Joins the Bishops

The Catholic dissident Rainbow Sash Movement is announcing, “Attempts to work with the Catholic Bishops where we can should be attempted, as long as they do not single out LGBT families for condemnation when it concerns immigration policy.” The group is urging common cause in condemning Republicans for their ‘fear-mongering directed at innocent children.’

The Rainbow Sash wire reads, “This is a pro life issue. Since Pope Francis has become Pope he is making the social gospel equivalent to poverty relief, conflict resolution, human trafficking, and the environment, as well as immigrant rights.”


Celebrating unity in our diversity

Celebrating unity in our diversity