While faithful churches separate from the ruined Boy Scouts of America (now Scounts, BSA), it looks like the SSPX is hanging in their along with the FrancisBishops?

From the SSPX newsletter, Regina Coeli Report:

About fgwalkers@att.net

Editor, Canon212.com

15 Thoughts on “Will the SSPX Get the Memo on the Boy Scouts?

  1. They are now known as Scouts BSA.

  2. Evangeline on August 4, 2019 at 11:52 am said:

    This is why to me there are no earthly “rescuer” from this apostate mess, no tangible safe haven. There is not one group nor individual in view who is willing to suffer personal loss to take up against Bergolio and the evil. Appearing pious means less than nothing if it’s all appearances! What good is tradition if there is nothing to back it up, no grounding in love for God and Truth? To continue to include the Boy Scouts as if nothing has changed is to count on the complacency of the laity, as if pretending it’s still 1950 makes everything alright. Maybe it does, 90% of the Catholic world seems to be in a coma.

    Where has the SSPX been? I’m not personally connected with an SSPX community, but I’ve got my ear to the ground, and I’ve not heard one peep from the SSPX on this papacy, heresy, or a warning of any kind. If the SSPX does not care about the flock that is taken in by liars, it follows they don’t have much concern about souls, the faith or the souls that are being lost by being subject to the mainstream church which is nothing but apostasy today. From where I am, the SSPX is a closed community that doesn’t reach out at all, it’s insulated. If you find them, fine, but they aren’t going to hurt themselves trying to lead us to truth. And here they are just going along with the world in a game of let’s pretend.
    I’m sorry, maybe it’s me, and I don’t want to upset people, people are struggling to hold on and I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade or be unfair, but I’d take the SSPX or any individual far more seriously if they risked the wrath of Bergolio and publicly warned the faithful about the dangers lying in wait in the mainstream church today, and if they pointed out the value of Catholic tradition and morals and the critical importance of the traditional Mass.
    Right now we need the fire of a St. John the Baptist, or the other saints God has blessed us with throughout time. Of what use are men or orders who continue on in their days unconcerned with the flock that is scattering due to the horror that is Rome? No one is that insulated they don’t know it’s going on, of course it is, Catholics are walking away from the practice of their Catholic faith. Where are the men who care enough to put their needs second and those souls first?? God raises up saints in times of need. We are in a pitiable state that we have gotten this far without one man or order stepping out publicly to declare him anathema and warn the flock not to follow a false church.
    May God have mercy on us and send the remedy soon, amen.

    • StanTheMan on August 4, 2019 at 6:15 pm said:

      Well said.

    • Where were you, Evangeline, when Abp Lefebvre was ex-communicated for taking a stand against the modernists and the SSPX faithful were branded schismatics by liars with no concern for souls? I bet not a peep was to be heard from you because not a peep was heard but from 1 in 10,000 of the “church militant”. The SSPX warned and nobody listened…instead they were blamed for disobedience. It’s pretty rich…now that you’re “woke”, you’re gonna teach the SSPX a thing or two about militancy.

      • Anonymous on August 5, 2019 at 11:42 pm said:

        Please give it a rest PC. Back in 1988 I imagine most of us were still in thrall of The JP II Church and didn’t even know the SSPX existed. There was no internet and we certainly were not going to hear about them in the local diocesan rag. You are so merciless toward Evangeline. Hundreds of thousands of us are indeed “woke” and all you do is haughtily berate us. Everything Evangeline says is true. We have no shepherds, and our wool lays in matted, blood soaked clumps.

  3. Thomas on August 4, 2019 at 12:48 pm said:

    I do belong to a Society priory and faithfully attend its Masses and Sacraments. That said, I agree 100% with Evangeline’s comments. The local priests don’t mince words and do say all the correct things from the pulpit each week but from the highest levels there is only silence. Please pray for them.

  4. Anonymous on August 4, 2019 at 11:07 pm said:

    Yes I also agree. I am also a member of the society. The priests do preach from the pulpit (serious hard truths) and warn us of the dangers in the world now. But I don’t hear much from upper management ???

    • Anonymous on August 5, 2019 at 11:45 pm said:

      I believe the laity cannot say they are “members of the Society”. You must be a priest to belong to the Society. The Society ministers to the laity. You are not joining a sect.

  5. James on August 5, 2019 at 1:31 am said:

    “God raises up saints in times of need.” Indeed, He does, Evangeline. I’m left to wonder, however, in the depths of the crisis of apostasy that has tightened its grip on the world in the last 60 years, how many of those potential saints God tried to send us were aborted and contracepted away among the hundreds of millions–if not billions–of children killed before they could even draw their first breath. We are truly living in the deepest and darkest of evil times.

    • Anonymous on August 5, 2019 at 11:47 pm said:

      Brilliant analysis James. I believe you are correct. The horror of abortion chills and horrifies me regularly. These mass shootings will continue unless abortion is abrogated.

  6. Restoration on August 5, 2019 at 8:04 am said:

    This is a matter for Fr. Wegner, the U.S. Superior to address immediately with the pastor of the Oak Park, IL apostolate. In fact, a ban on the BSA should have been implemented by Fr. Wenger in May 2013 when the BSA embraced “open and avowed” homosexual scouts. My son and I resigned when this happened…6 years ago. I expect this garbage at parishes in the average American diocese, but not in the Society. To make matters worse, they caused scandal by publishing a photo of Our Lady’s statue carried by a homo-friendly organization. To approve this filth in their own newsletter shows just how out of touch the management/leadership is with their own apostolates and suggests a lack of internal discipline. If the priest on site hasn’t taken action and his superior has done nothing and the marketing newsletter editor and development folks didn’t stop this, there needs to be some reassignments made quickly and a public apology Fr. Wegner call your office!

    • Anonymous on August 5, 2019 at 11:50 pm said:

      I totally agree with you. I contribute to the Society monthly but these shenanigans must stop.

  7. Anonymous on August 6, 2019 at 12:06 am said:

    The SSPX can be easily contacted via their American website. Just keep clicking til you find “contact”.

  8. Anonymous on August 6, 2019 at 12:12 am said:

    The SSPX schools in Canada were in danger of kowtowing to “gender diversity” issues in Canada a few years ago. Their school handbooks contained all the Brave New World dictated catch-phrases used to promote gender ideology. I believe they backed down once they were exposed. It was a matter of offering their pinch of incense to Provincial overlords. Did they not learn the lesson that evil cannot be done in hopes that good will come of it.

  9. Tom O'Reilly on August 8, 2019 at 12:52 pm said:

    As a member of an SSPX parish in Florida, I too am alarmed that the Society would allow the Scouts BSA to participate in a procession for Our Lady. The seriousness of this matter demands that corrective action and an apologetic statement from the superior be forthcoming. At this time in Church history there is no room for even small errors.

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