loyola marymoutn

LiveAction News reveals that California’s Loyola MaryMount University has decided to comply with new state requirements to provide abortion coverage in their insurance plans.

The campus newspaper Los Angeles Loyolan reported Saturday:

LMU’s insurance will cover faculty and staff for elective abortions effective from August 22 to the end of the policy period, the University announced.

The news was confirmed in an email sent to faculty and staff yesterday, Vice President for Human Resources Rebecca Chandler confirmed that LMU’s insurance providers will now cover all procedures deemed medically necessary, including elective abortions.



Aleteia News reports:

A protest over the firing of chemistry teacher and coach, Barb Webb — who is newly pregnant through “nontraditional means” (read IVF) and “married” to her lesbian partner — drew about 120 people to the sidewalks at Marian High School in the northern Detroit suburb of Bloomfield Hills.

According to Kathy Schiffer’s piece Webb appears to be furious and indignant:

Webb chose to be fired. The defiance evident in a post on her Facebook page shows that the morals clause to which she assented in her employment contract meant nothing.

Marian was unwilling to offer me any type of leave and of course they were not willing to grant me the same right that a half dozen other teachers are enjoying this year while starting their families. In fact, Marian’s options to me, after 9 years of dedication including league winning coaching, 4.0 averages in AP chemistry scores, PD for the school based on my personal best practices, and dozens of students and family testimonials is 1) resign or 2) we will terminate you.



The Star-Tribune reports:

The forced resignation of a Catholic church music director who married his longtime same-sex partner apparently won’t be challenged in court.

Jamie Moore, who was music director at St. Victoria Parish Catholic Church for more than 17 years before he quit at the request of church leaders, decided Friday not to pursue legal action against Archbishop John Nienstedt, according to his former lawyer.

Attorneys are not happy, maintaining that Moore had good standing and that the case could establish precedent.

“I think he was in a very good position to challenge the termination because of the reason that was given, and that was marital status,” Clayton Halunen said Sunday, explaining that Minnesota churches are allowed to discriminate based on sexual orientation but not on marital status.

“I’m very disappointed in the decision,” Halunen added. “I think if had we had a favorable result … it would have helped many others in the LGBT community to preserve their employment if they choose to get married.”

If grounds are better for a lawsuit based on ‘marriage’ why are parishes waiting until things get this far to ask for resignations?