Another World Leader Wins Coveted Embrace

At the Washington Post:

Pope Francis will visit Washington, D.C. Sept. 22 to Sept. 25, the Archdiocese of Washington confirmed on Tuesday. President Obama hinted at what he expects to speak with Pope Francis when they meet in September at the White House, including poverty, climate change and conflict in the Middle East.

Conflict in the Middle East? Maybe Pope Francis will ask the President to stop creating it.

Obama said they will likely talk about reducing conflict and reducing war in the Middle East “where Christians have been viciously attacked.” Pope Francis has become a force in foreign policy, regularly speaking out against the persecution of Christians.

Yes, but what has this accomplished?  He runs on a lot about dialogue and pacifism, coddles dictators, UN Tyrants, and terrorists, and blasts free markets too.

The leaders will also likely talk about climate change, Obama said in a new interview with the Wall Street Journal. Pope Francis is poised to weigh in on climate change with an encyclical this summer.

The following section is from the Journal’s interview released today.

Seib: What are you going to tell him? What do you expect he’s going to want to tell you?

Obama: Well, I’ve had the honor of meeting him already once, an extraordinary individual, I think, a transformative leader, not just within the Catholic Church but globally.

Why are liberals always being transformative?  Aren’t they happy with the nasty ways they already are?  And why is everything always global?  Isn’t ruining their own families and neighborhoods and running their own cities into the ground enough?  When will leftist world leaders stop celebrating how Pope Francis is turning Christianity into their vehicle to ride the globe into Hell?  Don’t they see how they give themselves away?

And excluding the pervasive hype, what is so extraordinary about Pope Francis, other than the fact that he can awkwardly blend bits of vague sentiment into something wishful thinkers can pretend is Catholic teaching?  (He does have a unique way with words.)  What is extraordinary though, is that an anti-Christian like Obama, who is never loose with his praise, can gush over the Vicar of Christ today.

That’s rare in the extreme.





Pope tees up for UN tyrants

InfoWars reports:

Officials within the UN are pushing the notion that the human population should be reduced in order to effectively combat climate change.

The long standing notion has been continually pushed by Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). In 2013, Figueres had a conversation with Climate One founder Greg Dalton regarding “fertility rates in population,” as a contributor to climate change.

For ‘planners’ everything is a system with inputs and outputs.  Make this intervention here, and the humans will provide that targeted output there.  We are to be pushed, molded, formed, crushed.

“Obviously less people would exert less pressure on the natural resources,” Figueres answered, also noting that estimates suggest the Earth’s population will rise to nine billion by 2050.

Dalton then questioned whether that figure could in some way be stalled or halted.

“So is nine billion a forgone conclusion? That’s like baked in, done, no way to change that?” he asked Figueres.

“There is pressure in the system to go toward that; we can definitely change those, right? We can definitely change those numbers,” Figueres said in response.

Really, we should make every effort to change those numbers because we are already, today, already exceeding the planet’s planetary carrying capacity.” she also claimed.

What kind of sweeping, arrogant, ignorant statement is that?  Is the Earth some Airbus to Hell where you can only carry on one bag and a computer?  Someone told her the ‘planet’s planetary capacity’ and she believed it – and look, we’ve exceeded it already!  That must be why we have all that warming which no-one can feel or detect. Humans have already ruined the climate so humans must cease.

“So yes we should do everything possible. But we cannot fall into the very simplistic opinion of saying just by curtailing population then we’ve solved the problem. It is not either/or, it is an and/also.” the UN official also said.

There is one thing liberals never are and it’s simple.  They are always complex and complicated and we are simple. That must be why Pope Francis told us on Good Friday to:

“enter into the mystery of the empty tomb”, to “seek a deeper meaning, an answer, and not an easy one, to the questions which challenge our faith, our fidelity and our very existence.” 

Truth is so complicated it can’t even be known or believed.  To have faith is far too simple a solution.  We must always question, question, question.

That must also be why Pope Francis, author of the upcoming encyclical on the climate and sustainability, recently warned against breeding like rabbits.  I think three-children is the “number experts say is important to keep the population going,” he advised.

Why we must get this kind of moral advice from someone who has such weak discernment, who relates to UN overlords with planetary egos and systemic ignorance, I have no idea; but he’s the Pope foisted on us upon Benedict’s abdication, and we have to size up the situation for what it is.

Climate change ‘c’atholicism coming up next, you dirty rabbits.