Some call this 'Christian Unity'

Some call this ‘Christian Unity’

Pat Archbold has been fired from the National Catholic Register.

Ever since Francis became Pope the media world has become a frightening virtual reality. First the Register started apologizing for the Pope’s anti-Catholic attacks. Then they started attacking Catholics themselves. Last month they joined two dissident rags in a liberal political move which backfired, of course, in their faces. Now this. They release their best and most powerful writer; perhaps the only one that didn’t need the job and could still tell the truth.

I got to write for the Register for five years and now I don’t anymore. It was never gonna be a lifetime appointment. Any money I receive from writing is essentially inconsequential to my family as I have always had another primary career. I got into writing because I love my faith and the Church. It is that simple. I always just wanted to write what I thought about what was happening in the culture and in the Church and I wanted to say it the way I wanted to say it.

The sad thing is that this is EWTN’s most faithful outlet. Remember how amazing and miraculous that network once was?

For a while that was understood, accepted, and even appreciated by the Register. For the past 2 years, that has increasingly not been the case. That shouldn’t be a surprise to many. There was no sense in me changing since my reasons and need for writing had not changed. But obviously some things changed, as we all know. I knew what I was doing and I understood well the current mood. I didn’t change because I didn’t want to. But it is their newspaper and they get to choose what they want to pay for and publish. That obviously was no longer my writing.

In a strange way, I am relieved. It feels more honest now. No more me jumping through hoops and worrying about every word or topic choice. And I am sure some folks who had to deal with me during an increasingly tense process are equally glad to be rid of me.

He did have to jump through the hoops for a couple years. The problem is he couldn’t stop his message from getting out.

The Christian example here is in Archbold’s consistency.  He didn’t bend.  They did. “There was no sense in me changing since my reasons and need for writing had not changed.” Pat was writing out of love for Christ and the Church, NOT for money, so he had no need or desire to compromise!

My question is, “Why is the entire planet, including all the Catholic press, being paid to do Francis-Hype?”  Is perhaps the entire planet up to something holy and that’s why they care so much about the Church?