Don't be fooled into pretending it's real

Don’t be fooled into pretending it’s real

A day ahead of Ramadan, and of the final release of the Global Warming Encyclical, we have to ask, “At what point can we recognize that the things Pope Francis writes and says are not rooted in the Catholic Faith, but are merely blanket politically correct assertions?”  Pope Francis is really more like the “Pope Francis Show” than an actual Pope, isn’t he?

When I was a boy I used to laugh at the character of Archie Bunker.  He was so funny and he was in no way a hero.    Everyone on that show seemed realistic.  They always argued.  They were poor.  All In The Family was the top program for several years.

It wasn’t until much later that I realized that the point of Archie and Edith wasn’t our entertainment.  That show was created to confuse people.  It’s goal was the transformation of our culture – and it worked.

Much more brilliant than the acting and the punch lines was the creation of the characters.  Most of the thought went into building individuals who were normal, decent, and conservative, yet foolish, selfish, undisciplined, or ignorant.  That’s hard to do.  Archie and Edith were two people who would not actually exist.  That’s the whole point of television really, to create a false world. I no longer find that show very funny.

It’s in the same spirit I believe that the world is now treated to Pope Francis.  There is a lot of thought and preparation behind the character of Francis, and his performance is executed quite well.  The Pope Francis show may seem like a clumsy bull in a china shop but it isn’t slowing, or stopping to regroup.  It doesn’t think small.  It rolls up the whole world in its carpet.

Pope Francis has invited all faithful to welcome the Encyclical on the environment, entitled “Laudato si, on the care of our common home.”

Toward the end of his weekly General Audience in St. Peter’s Square, the Holy Father launched an appeal, saying, “Tomorrow, as you know, the encyclical on the care of the ‘common home’ that is creation will be published. This common ‘home,’” Pope Francis stated,  “is being ruined and therefore hurts everyone, especially the most poor.”

Is the world our common home or our commune?  Is it being ruined?  Where?  It looks beautiful to me, except perhaps on television, in suburbia, in a mall, or in most churches.  I don’t think Pope Francis is talking about ugliness though.  He’s talking about gases and Liberation Theology.

“Therefore, I would like to launch an appeal to responsibility, based on the task which God gave to man in creation: ‘to cultivate and protect’ the ‘garden’ in which humanity has been placed.”

“I invite all to welcome with an an open spirit this document, which places itself in the line of the Church’s social doctrine.”

What is an ‘open spirit?’  Isn’t that something a Christian should avoid?  Perhaps Pope Francis means being open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit?  I think he says that a lot, but I don’t think he means it much.  Pope Francis really just wants us to be open to sets of lies.

How many times lately has the Vatican been forced to tell us this heterodox piece of propaganda is in line with the Church’s social doctrine, and before it’s even formally released?

What is the Church’s social doctrine anyway?  Isn’t it basically drawn from several somewhat conflicting encyclicals of the more recent popes?  Is that dogma?  Inasmuch as any of those letters are inconsistent with the full magisterium of the Church, they must be rejected.  Ignorance of the past is no excuse.


Don't let yourself be politicized, Pope Francis.

Don’t let yourself be politicized, Pope Francis.

NewsMax reports Fr. Sirico’s warnings about the politization of the Pope’s visit to the U.S.

Pope Francis’ upcoming address to Congress, during which he may warn of the dangers of global warming, could turn into a political fiasco, says Rev. Robert Sirico, president of the Acton Institute.

Sirico said Friday on “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV that the Pontiff’s tendency to speak “off the cuff” could be exploited by the right as well as the left.

“Had I been asked, and I wasn’t, on whether the Pope should address the joint session of Congress, I would’ve said no,” Sirico said.

Why didn’t they ask Fr. Sirico?

“Why? Because it lends a whole political atmosphere to whatever he’s going to be saying to the Congress.”

Pope Francis is, of course, all politics.  He has a political agenda and it’s not good.  Politicization is the point of FrancisChurch.

“There’s no way the Pope is going to come out of that chamber without people putting a political spin on it whether to the right or the left,” Sirico said.

No spin will be necessary for the Leftists who interpret his speech to Congress.  The only spinning of the Pope’s words will be from those ‘conservatives’ and orthodox who try to make Pope Francis sound faithful, responsible, respectful, or just.

“The Pope is visiting us not as the head of Vatican City State, not as a politician, not as a monarch, but as a pastor, as a bishop.”

Pope Francis is a powerful shepherd.  It’s just that his staff leads in the wrong direction.  He’s also a brilliant politician and a monarch, ruling without limits.

But Vicar of Christ?  Perhaps, somewhat, when the opportunity presents.


Truth is heresy in FrancisChurch

Facts are science are heresy in FrancisChurch

Pope Francis has put the entire Church Militant in the position of having to either promote false doctrine and junk science or be called heretics.  On the one hand it’s a crime that Leftist dissidents are able to credibly petition a historically faithful Catholic media giant on behalf of the Pope.  On the other hand, when you see this painful debate, you’ll know why Global Warmists absolutely must never be made to confront facts.

Global warming activists are applying pressure to EWTN, the global Catholic Television network to stop broadcasting the views of climate skeptics. The left-leaning ‘social justice’ group, Faithful America, has started a petition to EWTN (Eternal World Television Network) to ban what they term ‘climate deniers’ from the network.

(Note: The movement to ban skeptics from television and media reporting on climate change has intensified in the past year. See: ‘Merchants of Doubt’ director pushing to ban Morano & other skeptics from TV.)

The activists are upset about a recent debate between Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano and the Environmental Defense Fund lobbyist Carol Andress.

The debate dealt with the Vatican and Pope Francis’ efforts to promote a United Nations global warming treaty.

The group sent out an appeal on May 27, urging EWTN to ‘Stop broadcasting climate denial

Excerpt: Our goal: 15,000 signatures – Posted: May 27, 2015

One of the world’s largest Catholic media outlets is accusing Pope Francis of confusing Catholics by preparing a ground-breaking encyclical urging world leaders to tackle climate change.

In a recent segment, Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) even invited notorious climate denier Marc Morano to “debate” whether climate change is real. Worse yet, EWTN host Raymond Arroyo questioned man-made climate change and claimed that the pope was somehow supporting abortion by meeting with the United Nations about climate change.

It’s time for Catholic media outlets like EWTN to stop making common cause with right-wing political activists to undermine Pope Francis — and stop spreading misinformation about the climate crisis.

Pope Francis has issued a prophetic call to recognize the scientific reality of climate change and how the destruction of God’s creation is harming the world’s poorest people. Please stop offering a platform for climate deniers to spread misinformation and undermine the pope’s moral leadership.

Has there ever been a time when Catholics were forced so continuously to defend the Church and her teaching against the Pope himself?  We are in a pickle here and we must fight hard.  The FrancisVatican should be moved to uphold or renounce the Faith directly, not spin.  It’s pastoral!