Message Sent. Message Received.

Message Sent. Message Received.

Recently Fr. Z noted there were no Italians taking part in the Secret Shadow European Synod. Today, the Eponymous Flower translates a message of frustration with the Pope’s ‘anti-Italian’ prejudices.

It’s not like that’s the only chip on the Pope’s shoulder.

(Rome) Pope Francis (almost) place for all merciful words, but when he talks about the bishops of the Catholic Church, “he seems to pick up the stick,” the Corriere della Sera. Italy’s bishops had to be told some of the pontiff at the opening of its spring conference on May 18. They had strives startled in the days before, to take cover and Francis to appease (see “Cicero’s” Stab in the Hornet’s Nest – Italy’s Bishops to Take Cover and Rehabilitate even the Ghostwriter of the Pope ).

For months the bishops registered pain not only in Italy, and to their surprise, a rigor of Argentine Pope, with whom she had not expected. A rigor that is directed against them.

Behind expressions of loyalty and fidelity to the Holy Father, there is palpable discomfort in the episcopate. As much as  the Italian bishops also endeavor to recognize the Pope’s cultural coordinates, to understand and to follow these, they seem increasingly convinced that the Argentine Church leader – despite Italian roots – cherishes an anti-Italian prejudice  whose edges are difficult to dull.

The discomfort affects not only the Italian Episcopal Conference and the Vatican. Staff at the Roman Curia have been left pretty hang dog since being  papally diagnosed with 15 diseases diagnostics before Christmas 2014. The mood disorder has been detected also in other countries and their church hierarchies. Francis, the Pope of the “epochal turning point” (Corriere della Sera), seems to be, thanks to media support, easy to do, acting as a popular triumph. Much more difficult, i is for the head of the church to find a convinced followers in the church hierarchy. Moreover, the consensus of Francis seems to sink among the bishops.

According to the Corriere della Sera from last May 20th the numbers 20, 70, 10 apparently reflect the mood of the Roman Curia.  Among all the employees of the pope  there are only 20 percent who would support him with conviction in his government. 70 percent said they would form a “silent majority”, which would remain “neutral” to fulfill their cause and wait for the next pope. Ten percent are strongly, however, among the group (though not always stated) who are opponents of Argentina’s pontificate.

These figures would tossed around in the papal residence of Santa Marta, in the Argentine community in Rome and in Argentina. The Corriere della Sera talks about a “potential geographic and strategic break”.

Pope Francis is not in Rome in order to make friends.  He already has friends outside the Church.  He’s a friend to the kinds of cardinals who think they have dotted lines to the Pope and direct lines other places. He has friends at the UN, in Washington, in Boston, and in Cuba.

Pope Francis is a radical.  He’d consider it a failure to be popular with the hierarchy.  He wants to make the old Church angry and sidelined, while he ushers in this new wordly vision.  He creates cardinals in lowly outposts like Lampedusa Isle that mean little to the Church – unless it’s not so much a Catholic Church but one of endless boat people support.

The Pope tried fractures and fissures that open up because his actions -despite his best efforts- are not understood by a part of the Church, to engage   his charisma.  How long this will be possible is also indicated by the Corriere della Sera on the outstanding issues. Above all there has been no match in language between the Pope and many bishops.

Who agile, as the Archbishop of Agrigento, Francesco Montenegro, whose diocese is in  the headline-grabbing  Lampedusa, has experienced a meteoric rise from unknown provincial bishop to be made a cardinal and this overnight possibly the future Pope, theoretically he may even be a contender for the successor of Peter.

Francis is so unorthodox there are few bishops and offices he can use to assist him.  He has to work with a hodgepodge team but that’s alright.  He has the financial markets, the White House, the UN, the entire press, and the best PR consultants on the planet at his disposal.

Pope Francis always makes for new construction, but the resulting internal church problems and fractures do not seem to concern him in any way. It seems as if the constant unrest, unease and a latent discontent is a means of government for him. Above all the last  , two years, two months and two weeks after taking office have been uncomfortable, especially for the critics of Argentine Pope. Francis himself still seems to literally enjoy his pontificate.

When Jesus calls you to make a mess, what’s not to enjoy?


Heavenly signs follow FrancisChurch

Heavenly signs follow FrancisChurch

Isn’t it enough that the Pope of Communism rehabilitates un-collared Marxist revolutionary priests and flouts protocol to beatify rightly-suppressed  Liberation Theology icons, but now we have to get silly stories of Fatima-like miracles to grease the wheels.

As the relics of Blessed Oscar Romero were brought out for veneration during his beatification Mass in San Salvador, the cloudy skies parted and a ring of light – known as a “solar halo” – appeared around the sun.

“Honestly, I think this one of the most supernatural things I have ever experienced in my life,” Father Manuel Dorantes told CNA May 29.

How many other lesser supernatural things did Father experience?

A priest of the diocese of Chicago and Spanish assistant to the director of the Holy See press office, Fr. Dorantes was present in San Salvador for the May 23 beatification of Archbishop Oscar Romero.

This guy works for FrancisBishop, merciful Blase Cupich.

Romero oversaw the diocese of San Salvador from 1977 until March 24, 1980, when he was shot and killed while saying Mass. In February Pope Francis officially recognized him as a martyr, and his beatification took place in his former diocese just over a week ago.

The ring around the sun appeared once Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, had finished reading the official decree proclaiming Oscar Arnulfo Romero as a martyr and a blessed, Fr. Dorantes recalled.

So despite the fact that Romero was not actually martyred for the faith, and no miracle was defined, God himself signified his approval at the moment the beatification became official!

After the decree was vocally translated into Spanish, the choir began leading pilgrims in singing the traditional “Gloria” while a group of deacons brought out Romero’s relics – including the bloodstained shirt he wore the day he was killed.

Then “the weirdest thing occurred,” Fr. Dorantes noted, explaining that since it had been raining the day before, the sky was completely cloudy.

“As the relics came out, as we were singing the Gloria, all of a sudden, the heavens above us opened up, and the sun came out. A perfect circular halo formed above the sun.”

You see, the halo around the sun was a sure sign that the halo Francis gave Oscar Romero is authentic.  Can you imagine all the weird, yet unreported, things happening in the sky over Rome these days?


Don't let a man like this bark you off your faith.

Don’t let this ‘Pharisee’ bark you off your faith.

The Pope gave some helpful advice on the FrancisGospel and the types of Christians out there.  Which one are you?

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis’ homily this morning focused on the Gospel account of Bartimaeus, the blind man who cried out to Jesus to be healed, and whom the disciples called to be silent. The Gospel led the Holy Father to reflect on three different groups of Christians.

First, there are Christians who are concerned only with their own relationship with Jesus, a “closed, selfish” relationship, who do not hear the cries of others:

“This group of people, even today, do not hear the cry of so many people who need Jesus. A group of people who are indifferent: they do not hear, they think that life is their own little group; they are content; they are deaf to the clamour of so many people who need salvation, who need the help of Jesus, who need the Church. These people are selfish, they live for themselves alone. They are unable to hear the voice of Jesus.”

It is selfish to love Jesus?  Doesn’t loving Jesus mean following him?  Can you care about your relationship with Jesus yet ignore everyone else?  Do such people exist or is this some rhetorical device?  I know they exist in Hollywood and on the lips of demagogues.

Then, the Pope continued, “there are those who hear this cry for help, but want to silence it,” like the disciples when they sent away the children, “so that they would not disturb the Master”: “He was their Master — He was for them, not for everyone. These people send away from Jesus those who cry out, who need the faith, who need salvation.” In this group one finds the “men of affairs, who are close to Jesus,” who are in the temple. They seem “religious,” but “Jesus chased them away because they were doing business there, in the house of God.” There are those who “do not want to hear the cry for help, but prefer to take care of their business, and use the people of God, use the Church for their own affairs.” In this group there are Christians “who do not bear witness”:

“They are Christians in name, parlour room Christians, Christians at receptions, but their interior life is not Christian, it is worldly. Someone who calls himself Christian and lives like a worlding drives away those who cry out for help from Jesus. And then there are the rigorists, those whom Jesus rebukes, those who place such heavy weights on the backs of the people. Jesus devotes the whole of the twenty-third chapter of St Matthew to them: ‘Hypocrites,’ he says to them, ‘you exploit the people!’ And instead of responding to the cries of the people who cry out for salvation, they send them away.”

Christians who do not bear witness, who use the Church for their own affairs, who silence voices?  Hello Synod on the Family!

Rigorists, hypocrites, exploiters, parlour room Christians….this is the cruel ranting of a political radical.  Calumniating faithful Christians by calling them Pharisees is not the work of Christ.  It’s just false shepherding.

The Pope closes with a brief description of some nice Christians, but I don’t think the people he’s envisioning are actually very nice at all.