Big deals and a bright Cuban Francisfuture

Big deals and a bright Cuban Francisfuture

Local New York CBS reports:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo is expected to return to New York from Cuba on Tuesday with two major business deals in hand.

As CBS2 Political Reporter Marcia Kramer reported, although the trade mission was supposed to be about developing future business, the group actually came back to the states with two deals made, including one where an upstate medical facility is going to be able to run clinical trials of a lung cancer vaccine developed by Cubans.

That’s what’s been going on in Cuba all these years.  They developed a vaccine for lung cancer!  Thank you Pope Francis for this new arrangement.  Obama couldn’t have done it without you.  Can I be in the clinical trial?

Cuomo, who became the first U.S. governor to visit Cuba in decades, said he also laid the groundwork for more New York-based businesses to get a foot in the door on the island nation.

Oh, no news yet on any U.S. businesses starting up in Cuba though.

“We believe this is going to be a dramatic change that is going to be to the benefit of the people of Cuba and also to the people of the United States,” Cuomo said.

While the embargo would have to be lifted by Congress, President Barack Obama can grant licenses to businesses to trade with Cuba.

So the embargo is still in effect except when Obama says it isn’t.  There are so many laws like that now!

The governor was accompanied by other New York lawmakers and executives from JetBlue, MasterCard, Pfizer, Chobani and other companies.

Cuomo took a tour of a new nearly $10 million deep water Port of Mariel, which could be just the ticket for New York businesses to get their goods to Cuba and the rest of Latin America.

Cuomo is no stranger to big construction projects, but still, he was suitably impressed with the Cuban government’s efforts to build a massive commercial port and duty free zone west of Havana that could revolutionize the way Cuba does business, Kramer reported.

“We have had a friendship that went on for decades. It is about rekindling that friendship,” Cuomo said.

What is it with New York Italians, politicians, unions, ports, big construction projects, places like Cuba, and Catholic bishops?

Cuomo also met with Cuban Roman Catholic Cardinal Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino while in Havana.

The governor expressed admiration for the cardinal’s efforts in expanding the church’s reach in the Communist-ruled country.

“We’re very proud of what his eminence has done,” Cuomo said. “We’re very proud of what the Catholic church has done.”

Isn’t that nice?  Andrew Cuomo is very proud of our Church.  I guess we can all be proud of that then.

When asked if his decision to move so quickly to help end the embargo had anything to do with his late father Mario, Cuomo said “My father said isolation is not going to work. Isolation is just going to cause bitterness and it’s going to accomplish nothing.”

Back in New York, Republicans called the governor’s trade mission a political stunt.

One lawmaker said it was offensive to Cuban-Americans whose families have been victims of the Castros’ rule.

Who was that one lawmaker?  What a silly thing to say.  Castro is nice now.  It was all America’s bitter isolation as they sinned against dialogue, encounter, accompaniment, heartfelt closeness, and that Catholicism whose flag Communism stole.





Problem Solved!

Problem Solved!

If Francis truly were the ‘peoples’ pope’ he would actually care about Catholic people – you know those Pharisees who need ‘religious observances’ out of pride and mental illness, but won’t ever get to Heaven.

Real Catholic faithful and clergy loved Kansas City Bishop Finn.  The National Catholic Reporter didn’t.  True Catholics in Chile are furious Pope Francis would give them a Bishop like Juan Barros, but Francis doesn’t care what people like that think, does he?

The more outraged real Catholics become, the more he seems to like it.

Parishioners in a southern Chile diocese are gathering wherever their new bishop appears, but their presence is not the sort of assembly the Catholic Church would expect.

In the month since Bishop Juan Barros was installed in Osorno, the priest has had to sneak out of back exits, call on riot police to shepherd him from the city’s cathedral and coordinate movements with bodyguards and police canine units.

Such is the public routine of the bishop who is denounced by his opponents as having shielded Chile’s most notorious pedophile priest. For his part, Barros says relations are improving.

Meaning: the crowd is giving up and getting accustomed to my infernal presence.

The appointment of Barros by Pope Francis has unleashed an unprecedented protest, with more than 1,300 church members, 30 diocesan priests and nearly half of Chile’s Parliament sending letters urging the pope to reconsider.

They may be emboldened after Francis on Tuesday accepted the resignation of a U.S. bishop, Robert Finn, who pleaded guilty to failing to report a suspected abuser, answering calls by victims to hold priests accountable and ensure children are protected.

At least three men say Barros was present when they were sexually molested in the 1980s and 1990s by the Rev. Fernando Karadima. Karadima was sanctioned by the Vatican in 2011 for sexually abusing minors, ordered to live out his life cloistered in a nun’s convent. Barros has said he knew nothing of Karadima’s abuses.

The controversy is being watched by victims, advocacy groups and lawmakers as a test of the pope’s promises to crack down on clerical sex abuse. On April 12, members on the pope’s sex abuse advisory committee traveled to Rome to voice their concerns.

Well, he’s cracked down now in Missouri!  Still, you can’t remove every bishop that inspires a peep of protest.  You must pick and choose. After all, what’s the point of this whole priest-pedophilia abuse dance anyway if you can’t use it to intimidate and banish honest clergy?

And what’s the point of approving a gay ambassador to the Vatican if he’s barely even gay and he’s faithful?

What’s even wrong with gay pedophilia?  They teach gayness to four years-olds now and all the GOP Presidential candidates are terrified into attending gay weddings.  When a man is your mother and a woman is a husband anything goes, except Catholicism.


Give it another minute and it should start working.

Give it another minute and it should start working.

LCWR royalty Sr. Joan Chittister is a perfect example of the type of ‘nun’ Pope Francis and Cardinal Braz de Aviz have just green-lighted again.

At the Huffpo:

Like many spiritual teachers across all the major faiths, Sister Joan Chittister believes that the soul is an intrinsic part of our being — but this outspoken Roman Catholic nun defines it a little differently than some. As Sister Joan tells Oprah in the above video from “Super Soul Sunday,” she believes that the soul you’re born with isn’t necessarily the soul you have later in life.

As Sister Joan defines the soul, it is all about recognizing the beauty of life. “It’s layers of consciousness. It layers of awareness,” she says. “The more life that you let in, the more life you will have, and then your own soul does grow.”

This gobbledigook sounds a bit like the Holy Father.  Slice and dice the soul. Change it. Let the consciousness layers land on it. Watch it grow like a tomato so long as you live, live, live!  Let life in and then you will have it, a huge soul like mine!

The way the soul evolves, Sister Joan explains, is similar to how life itself unfolds: slowly and deliberately. This concept is poignantly articulated by French novelist and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in his 1942 memoir, Flight to Arras, which includes one particular line that has always stuck with Sister Joan.

“Exupéry says someplace something like this. He says, ‘To live is to be slowly born,'” Sister Joan cites.

Wow.  How deep is this!  Does Sister Joan know what a soul is?

The reason some people seem more soulful or as if they have “more” soul than others, she adds, is because they have grown their souls during their lifetime. “There’s no magic age; 18 doesn’t do it, 21 doesn’t do it,” Sister Joan says. “It’s a process.”

What is that process?  Does it have anything to do with Christ or His Church?  Why does this Joan-soul have to be so physical?  If it grows as big as Godzilla will I still fit in my suit?

Why does the pope who tried to correct this LCWR institutional monstrosity get hounded into isolation, then some sharpy moved in so that now, once again, we’re treated to these sinister life lessons?  How is it that these creepy pantsuits are more powerful than the actual Church?

“I don’t have the same soul that I had at 6,” she continues. “I have a soul now that’s thicker, deeper, warmer, broader, brighter, wiser than ever before.”

Forgive me but this sounds a touch witchy, doesn’t it?  Thicker, deeper, broader…also bright and wise.  Is this a nun or Nietzsche‘s Übermensch?

And Sister’s soul keeps getting warmer too, even at her age.  It’s practically burning.