cupich chicago

Call ’em bullies! Call ’em racists!

Truth Revolt asks why the new Archbishop of Chicago has the nerve to speak of illegal immigration as if it were ‘God’s agenda.’

Where are truth-loving Catholics supposed to look for a Church that isn’t in the pocket of anti-Catholic hate today?  Either it is evil to be conservative or these bishops are pretenders.  Is it ‘love’ to hand political power to the true enemies of God and man?

True to his claim that immigration reform is “God’s agenda,” Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich has been cozying up to pro-abortion Democrats to get his social justice initiatives underway. 

On Sunday, the Archbishop joined Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Il), a dissident Roman Catholic with a 100 percent rating from Planned Parenthood and NARAL on abortion issues, at the Temple Jeremiah synagogue in Northfield, Illinois, to discuss how people can support the cause of immigration reform. Democrats hope reform will translate into largely Catholic Hispanics voting for pro-abortion/pro-gay marriage Democrats in order to gain citizenship. 

Speaking before an audience of 300 people, Cupich urged everyone to speak with friends and neighbors about the issue, and to stand up to bullies wherever they find them.

“Look for ways to tell our heritage stories and tell your representatives how you feel,” Cupich said. “Speak out, and don’t let racist comments go by.”

Thanks, my Archbishop, for encouraging people to hate me, call me bully, call me bigot, shout me down and insult me. The rule of law, patriotism, security, happiness, peace and prosperity; those things are ugly excuses people like me use to hate.

Is Dick Durbin a friend of the Church?  Is he moral? Is he honest?  Does he care whether people live or die?  Why is he not a racist or a bully too, Archbishop? Is Dick Durbin a Christian or a ruthless opportunist?  Why must you collaborate with him?  Why do you find so much in common?

With his eyes on the 2016 presidential election, Dick Durbin subtly reminded people that the more they organize Hispanic voters, the more likely another pro-abortion, pro-immigration reform Democrat would end up in the White House.

“If we add 2 million new voters, that would change the debate for president,” he said of the 2016 election. “They will have an impact.”

Sounds good to me.  Just come out and say it!  No need to hide now that you have the face of the Catholic Church attached to your destructive plans. We want to put another Democrat in the White house.  This will have impact!

If you feel under the gun for your Faith today, wait another two years.

Thank you, powerful new FrancisBishop of Chicago, for being above politics and a friend to the vulnerable, the suffering, the voiceless, and the marginalized; in other words an enemy of the faithful followers of Christ.