Which one is our friend?

Which one is America’s friend?

In a Breitbart report presidential candidate and Hillary scourge, Carly Fiorina, takes us down memory lane to a time when the Middle East was not a living Hell, when Islam wasn’t conquering the West, and ancient Christian enclaves were protected.  After reminding voters that Hillary’s record is mainly one of hype and failure, she makes a few helpful suggestions.

“I would do very specific things. First, instead of having a Camp David conference to talk our Arab allies into a bad deal with Iran, I would have had a Camp David conference to talk with our Arab allies about how we can support them to fight ISIS. Let me give you very specific examples. The Kurds have been asking us to arm them for three years, we still have not. The Jordanians have been asking us to provide them with bombs and materiel. We know King Abdullah of Jordan, I’ve known him for many years. He took the appropriate leadership steps when a Jordanian pilot was burned alive. He was here in this country asking us for bombs and materiel, we haven’t provided him with any of them. He’s now looking to China for that. The Egyptian president, a very brave and pious Muslim, who has said there is a cancer in the heart of Islam, has asked us to share intelligence. We are not. The Turks have asked us to help them topple Bashar al-Assad, we are not. There are a whole set of things that we’ve been asked to do by our allies who know this is their fight, and we’re not doing any of them.”

Assad is the enemy of ISIS and ISIS is the enemy of Christ, so it’s hard to see why we should bolster an Islamist tyrant like Turkey’s Erdogan by attacking Syria.  Still it’s hopeful to hear someone willing to support protectors of Christians and other historic American allies here and there for a change.