For the poor, the marginalized, and the common good

For the poor, the marginalized, and the common good

In a frightening piece last December a noted Marxist sees a new Church coming that is indistinguishable from Communism.  Some months after the Pope Francis-brokered Obama Cuba betrayal, Cliff Kincaid predicted a Francis-Obama axis of socialists in the Americas.

That’s why it’s unsettling to see that Pope has added an event to his U.S. Trip in September.

The White House says President Barack Obama will host Pope Francis in Washington when he visits the United States this fall.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama and first lady Michelle Obama would welcome the pontiff as a guest at the White House on Sept. 23. It is Francis’ first papal visit to the United States.

Francis is already scheduled to address the annual U.N. General Assembly of world leaders on Sept. 25. The pope has also agreed to address a joint meeting of Congress on Sept. 24, the first time the head of the world’s Roman Catholics will address Congress.

Obama met Francis in the Vatican in March of last year. Earnest said discussions would range from poverty and economic opportunity to immigration and the environment.

This kind of high-level diplomacy is ugly.  Why, at the top of the world, is everyone all smiles and friendly, having dinner, honoring each other?  How many good Catholics would like to break bread with Mr. and Mrs. Obama?  I would hope none. I guess we just don’t understand diplomacy.

Poverty, economics, illegal aliens, the earth, controlling weather – They have so much to talk about!

They have so much in common.