SSPX Bishop Fellay is bemused this week as to the intentions of Francis.  Why is he so nice to us?  It’s obvious he doesn’t share our understanding of the Faith.  Maybe it’s because we’re marginalized or because he believes in dialogue?  Maybe it’s because we’re growing and evangelical?

They’ve made it clear that the Vatican is not putting up any walls to ‘unity.’  There isn’t a soul in the ‘traditionalist’ world who doesn’t advocate some prayerful path to full integration, but that would be a mistake.

It’s not complicated.  When the new agreement’s reached, the test of SSPX integrity and commitment will be their acceptance of a new FrancisBishop.  That oughta be nice.

Francis can only be trusted to lay a trap.  He’s not spiritually capable of canonizing saints, writing encyclicals, saying Mass, or even sounding Catholic.  He’s more Communist than Christian.  He can’t even tell the difference.  How could a Catholic group of priests submit themselves to a Church led by someone so profane and heretical?  This is no time.  Let’s not pretend.

The SSPX can’t unite itself to FrancisChurch because FrancisChurch belongs to the world.  Is there any difference at all between the Obama-GOP-Merkel reaction to this week’s Muslim bombing and the hierarchy’s?  Well maybe the bishops are worse.  It’s clear that the culture of death hates the born as much as the unborn because our deaths are no obstacle to their plans…but even the Church?

Yes.  Even the Church is embracing our destruction.  They are in complete alignment, and differ only for show.

How can we stand by and watch Francis and Obama persistently honor and legitimize the Castros?  First we have to see murder like Communists.  To a Communist, killing people is just breaking eggs and making omelets.  To a head crammed with leftist ‘philosophy’ it’s just doing good, sort of like ISIS.  ISIS fighters study ‘the prophet’ eight hours a day.  Do you know how much high-sounding leftist blather there is stuffed into Francis’ mind and into Obama’s?  It takes years of mental massaging to ground down one’s conscience.

Do you ever keep tally of Francis’ friends?  You have to ‘look at their deeds,’ you know (and excuse their murders.)

Maybe that’s why the Pope we are supposed to be tolerating, honoring, and embracing despite everything put the blame yesterday for the organized and exploding Muslim war against innocents squarely on faithful Catholics.

I was shocked the first time I heard Francis call the ISIS problem one of ‘fundamentalism,’ meaning people who are faithful to their religion.  It’s true that ISIS is faithful.  They embrace Islam in full.  They don’t let reason, truth, or light get in the way.  But how could a Pope blame their viciousness on the fact that they believe in a faith?

I was shocked again, but not surprised, when Francis attacked Catholic ‘fundamentalists’ directly, meaning me and anyone else who holds what the Church teaches.  This is the well-used tactic of Saul Alinsky.  Francis is isolating and freezing his target, the remaining Church militant.

But it was yesterday’s smear, exactly at the moment of murder, that struck me the most.  It’s not enough that the Pope refuses to mention Islam, he has to blame the true Christian faithful at the same time.  Is he on the side of the killers?

Of course he is.  They all are.  Anyone who promotes Muslim invasion as broadly and continually as Francis hates the Faith and the faithful, and sees massacre as breaking necessary eggs for some ‘common good.’