This way to UN Heaven.

This way to UN Heaven for the believer

The Eponymous Flower has the inside story on the latest Sanchez Sorondo UN Global Warming atrocity in Rome.

(Rome) on the 21st and 22nd of July, mayors from around the world meet at the Vatican to discuss the global climate and modern slavery. What sounds so politically correct, should be through and through. Initiator of the Mayor Meeting is the Argentine, Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, Curial Archbishop, the chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences . He was the organizer behind the eco-Encyclical Laudato Si who besides creating the contacts next to the dead letter, especially at the United Nations and the “high politics”.

I must be ignorant but I fail to grasp this ‘modern slavery’ issue.  People throw out the words, ‘slavery’ or ‘human trafficking,’ and no further explanation is really given.  Statistics cite hundreds of thousands of slaves and usually associate them with that other fungible word, ‘refugees.’

Are we talking about Saudi housekeepers, illegal aliens, prostitutes, or the women of ISIS?  If so, then why don’t they just use the specific reference so we can know whom they’re talking about?  Are there slaves in the USA? If so then where are they?  Do they go to school? Do they work?  Are they in chains and at gunpoint or enslaved by drugs and harsh words?  Is it their poverty that keeps them where they are, because I would move that into Pope Francis’s poverty column then.

Are the two thousand people parked outside the telemarketing mill downtown slaves. If not, then what are they?

I wonder if generally, except for criminal gangs and many women in the Muslim world, these ‘slaves’ just don’t exist.  Sure, there are people on the very low end of life who are poor or immigrant and generally under the control of others all over the world.  But even if there were an actual worldwide slave problem it would have nothing to do with a catastrophically warming planet.  On the other hand if the slave problem was for the most part invented, then in that case they would have everything in common.

It seems to be very important these days at the UN, and now in the halls of what was once the Catholic Church, that there be non-stop conferencing and binding agreements made to solve problems that don’t really exist.  If the central issue being fixed isn’t real, then you can hurl useless ineffective ‘solutions’ at it all day and get away with it.  It’s the perfect excuse for government work.

In the new one-world UN faux-Christendom there’s no more need for the Veterans Administration or the Departments of Transportation and Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, because those entities rely upon something real.  Now, with replacement-Pope Francis and Abp. Sanchez Sorondo’s help, you can rule the world by pretending to solve problems that are completely fictional.

He organized ahead of the encyclical, the concept of an international workshop of “climate change and sustainable development” in the Vatican. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will give the opening speech. The keynote speaker will be his right hand, the UNSDNS Director Jeffrey Sachs (UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network). Thus, not only will the representatives who believe in  manmade global warming will gather in the Vatican, but also the neo-Malthusians.  Not only that, but climate skeptics were systematically removed from the registration list. The Vatican has been (see the promoters of a guided, one-sided meeting in accordance with the UN World Warming thesis  Climate skeptics Excluded From  Vatican Meeting – Other Opinions Undesirable ).

60 Mayors from Around the World Meeting in the Vatican – are “Exclusively” of the Left

The end of May  Sanchez Sorondo gave an inglorious interview in which he meant to identify the causes for the global children’s killings by abortion and climate change (see Abortion and Climate Change: In the Vatican someone was persuaded of great nonsense ). The Curial Archbishop has since been an architect of the approach of the Catholic Church to the UN agenda. It’s an initiative  that he can develop only with the necessary backing from the highest level.

Sanchez Sorondo’s next step will be to bring 60 mayors from around the world to the Vatican  next week. The cross-section is impressive, and the political positioning of the mayors rather “colorful”. Coming will be  the leftist Catholic Mayor of Rome, Ignazio Marino; the communist mayor of Milan, Giuliano Pisapia; the left-liberal mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris; the left-wing mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena (from the beginning of her judicial career a member of the Communist Party of Spain, then without a party, the 2015 top candidate of an electoral alliance between the Socialists and the radical left movement,  Podemos); the feminist, Socialist Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris.

Not only are true scientists excluded from presenting to the Academy of Sciences but only Democrats, or in Europe communists, were invited to this mayors conference.  There are absolutely no faithful Christians in any of these Vatican meetings because, despite the fact Pope Francis says he knows many who are good people, there is no such thing as a righteous communist and if you’re going to bind the world to treaties based completely upon lies, you can’t expect much help from people of character.

The next time Pope Francis rails against ‘ideology’ we must remember, not only that he is of course a notorious ideologue himself, but that his henchman Abp. Sanchez Sorondo can’t even find the least bit of truth or credibility in something that isn’t leftist:

The United Nations is not the devil, but the opposite,” said Sanchez Sorondo to a journalist’s question, whether it was not strange that the Vatican was harboring a UN event. “The symposium is not organized by the UN, but by the Pontifical Academies and the UN,” said the Archbishop. He meant the two academies, whose chancellor he is. Already Paul VI. has visited the United Nations in New York goes the justification of the Pope’s confidant. “In September, Pope Francis will visit them. I do not see where there should be a problem. In the United Nations to recognize the devil, is position typical of   the right, that is not the position of the Holy See. The united left gathered in the Vatican  would all be  happy with this statement.

Oh sure, right-wingers think the UN is bad.  That in and of itself is enough to silence a critique for the archbishop, the White House, and the editors of the New York Times.  This phony priest would pay the same compliment to every tenet of the Faith if he had to.

On the question of other journalists, whether the “exclusive presence of mayors of the left of   center is not a sign of partiality,” Sanchez Sorondo answered mockingly: “The invitation is open to everyone, if you bring us another mayor, we are grateful. We have no reservations.”  The one-sided color preference of the loaded mayor guest list suggests the opposite. It should rather have been a selective contact  including invitation.

Complain to Sorondo once, you get insulted.  Complain twice, you get a lie.  This is FrancisChurch.