SSPX Bishop Fellay is bemused this week as to the intentions of Francis.  Why is he so nice to us?  It’s obvious he doesn’t share our understanding of the Faith.  Maybe it’s because we’re marginalized or because he believes in dialogue?  Maybe it’s because we’re growing and evangelical?

They’ve made it clear that the Vatican is not putting up any walls to ‘unity.’  There isn’t a soul in the ‘traditionalist’ world who doesn’t advocate some prayerful path to full integration, but that would be a mistake.

It’s not complicated.  When the new agreement’s reached, the test of SSPX integrity and commitment will be their acceptance of a new FrancisBishop.  That oughta be nice.

Francis can only be trusted to lay a trap.  He’s not spiritually capable of canonizing saints, writing encyclicals, saying Mass, or even sounding Catholic.  He’s more Communist than Christian.  He can’t even tell the difference.  How could a Catholic group of priests submit themselves to a Church led by someone so profane and heretical?  This is no time.  Let’s not pretend.

The SSPX can’t unite itself to FrancisChurch because FrancisChurch belongs to the world.  Is there any difference at all between the Obama-GOP-Merkel reaction to this week’s Muslim bombing and the hierarchy’s?  Well maybe the bishops are worse.  It’s clear that the culture of death hates the born as much as the unborn because our deaths are no obstacle to their plans…but even the Church?

Yes.  Even the Church is embracing our destruction.  They are in complete alignment, and differ only for show.

How can we stand by and watch Francis and Obama persistently honor and legitimize the Castros?  First we have to see murder like Communists.  To a Communist, killing people is just breaking eggs and making omelets.  To a head crammed with leftist ‘philosophy’ it’s just doing good, sort of like ISIS.  ISIS fighters study ‘the prophet’ eight hours a day.  Do you know how much high-sounding leftist blather there is stuffed into Francis’ mind and into Obama’s?  It takes years of mental massaging to ground down one’s conscience.

Do you ever keep tally of Francis’ friends?  You have to ‘look at their deeds,’ you know (and excuse their murders.)

Maybe that’s why the Pope we are supposed to be tolerating, honoring, and embracing despite everything put the blame yesterday for the organized and exploding Muslim war against innocents squarely on faithful Catholics.

I was shocked the first time I heard Francis call the ISIS problem one of ‘fundamentalism,’ meaning people who are faithful to their religion.  It’s true that ISIS is faithful.  They embrace Islam in full.  They don’t let reason, truth, or light get in the way.  But how could a Pope blame their viciousness on the fact that they believe in a faith?

I was shocked again, but not surprised, when Francis attacked Catholic ‘fundamentalists’ directly, meaning me and anyone else who holds what the Church teaches.  This is the well-used tactic of Saul Alinsky.  Francis is isolating and freezing his target, the remaining Church militant.

But it was yesterday’s smear, exactly at the moment of murder, that struck me the most.  It’s not enough that the Pope refuses to mention Islam, he has to blame the true Christian faithful at the same time.  Is he on the side of the killers?

Of course he is.  They all are.  Anyone who promotes Muslim invasion as broadly and continually as Francis hates the Faith and the faithful, and sees massacre as breaking necessary eggs for some ‘common good.’






Sneaky, guilty, and up to no good

Sneaky, guilty, and up to no good?

In his passionate, battling manner Mundabor has an excellent point about the double-edge sword of FrancisMercy laid upon the planet on September 1st.

He doesn’t trust it.

As Mahound made clear, the outreach to those guilty of the sin of abortion is not really an outreach at all, but like all FrancisMercy it’s just a trick, a PR stunt designed to make Francis popular with the 999 out of 1,000 people who don’t understand Catholic teaching on Confession.

Almost everyone in the West thinks that Catholicism is backward and unforgiving, but most of all they think it’s changeable, because everything in their minds has been morphing their entire lives.  Most people think what they are given to think by the powers that be, yes?  Humanity and common sense creep in, but get quickly swept away in the hurricane of media and sin.  So they see Francis, the television tells them it’s a new Church now, and it makes perfect sense.

The powers that be know they actually can make a new Church.  They just did it in the 1960’s.  It’s eternal character didn’t change, but that doesn’t mean it’s not entirely different today.  The world got the Pope it wanted, he suppressed the Mass and the catechetics, relaxed the Church governance and voila’, a wrecked world.  The faithful Church in Quebec was crushed practically in a matter of months.  Today they just received the first shipment of death kits from their government.  Mission accomplished.

So now every unrepentant sinner is celebrating because the media told them to celebrate and because that rotten Church, which has been the source of their grief despite the fact that they never darken its doors, is now forgiving them.  Thank you Francis, the Pope of New Mercy.

In reality that effort wasn’t for anyone except Obama and UN.  It consolidates the FrancisBase, those herd of swine in the country of the Gerasens who, when filled with demons, run right off a cliff.  It wasn’t for the Church or the people. It was for the purposes of the media-backed FrancisProp machine.

Some say the jubilee mercy letter brilliantly places Confession in a good light with a huge chunk of the apostate world, but that doesn’t matter because it won’t help.  Those people don’t care.  They’re not going to run down to Confession now, learn the Faith, or practice it.  And as the Mahound said:

If the Pope were truly interested in offering absolution to those who were a party to abortion, he would implore them to see a priest today, not wait until the start of his own Jubilee Year on December 8.

It’s all just politics.

So what about the SSPX?  It’s a coincidence that the very same issue recently raised by Madison Bp. Morlino and touted by Fr. Z, that of ‘jurisdiction for Confessions,’ should come up as FrancisMercy just when it was being used as a cudgel.  Since the FrancisEra was imposed, Michael Voris, former leader of the faithful obedient Catholic stalwarts, and his friend Fr. Paul Nicholson, have been ranting against the ‘evil group of disobedient SSPX traditionalists’ and dividing Pope Benedict’s beloved movement.  Mundabor sees this latest FrancisMercy as an opening to more of the same.  According to him, it’s all about the Synod and neutralizing the opposition.

I do not trust this. I do not trust the time, I do not trust the motives, and most importantly I do not trust the person. I fear Francis even when he bears gifts, because a scheming and heretical pope cannot have in mind anything good for Catholicism.

A liberal is a liberal is a liberal.  You can’t be part liberal.  It just makes you liberal.  Just the same you can’t be part heretic.  There is nothing good or Catholic about liberalism. There are only faithful and unfaithful.  You have to accept the whole package, not hem and haw over interpretations, social justice and sustainability, and play rhetorical Parcheesi.  Everybody knows you’re a dishonest fraud and a cheat; a traitor to the cause.

The faithful Catholic establishment loves to remind us of Pope Paul VI and his chaos, how in the end he pulled through with Humanae Vitae.   Wow.  He did something Catholic.  The man suppressed the Mass of the Apostles, quite possibly one of the most destructive things anyone has ever done.  He gave us the notorious Cardinal Bernardin and the nasty bishops conferences.  He handed his tiara to the UN because he didn’t want to look fancy or powerful.  Nice.

I don’t think God appreciated those changes.  Those castaways meant something to Him.  But you don’t have to take my word for it. Just look around you, or are you unfamiliar with the appearance of death?  This world is a lot more like Venus today than Earth.  Do you know how hot it must be walking around Venus right now?  Have you heard of the boiled frog?

Francis is not both liberal and Catholic.  That’s impossible.  Doctrine is practice is application, and I’m not talking about recycling.  The entire planet knows for which team the Pope plays.  The only ones who don’t are we faithful foolish few.  We are the ducks for the big dinner.

I do not trust the time and the motives, because it seems to me that Francis is opening the war on the sacraments with a manoeuvre aimed at disorienting his enemy. He is “merciful” to the SSPX: how will the conservative Catholics, then, be angry at him when he is “merciful” to adulterers? I smell a huge German rat here, and whilst many German bishops will feign mock opposition or even mock indignation, I am pretty sure they all know where this is going to end, and will play the game for all they’re worth. Adultery is well worth an SSPX confession, and they will now shout even louder that once Francis is “merciful” to the “schismatic” SSPX ( I know, I know… slander and false accusations never get old) how can he refuse “mercy” to the oh so acutely suffering concubines and perverts?

But most importantly, I do not trust the person. Not for one second will I think that Francis has suddenly become an orthodox Catholic. Please understand that Francis is not pursuing a less heretical agenda today than he was yesterday. He will not start today to like the rosary-counting Catholics he so much despises. The Evil Clown that went to bed yesterday evening is the same that woke up this morning. Of course he is throwing a bone to the conservative crowd before he serves the sacrilegious entree to his heretical followers, or at least tries to let them have as much of the dish as he can.

“Throwing a bone to the conservative crowd before he serves the sacrilegious entree.”  Mundabor is right.  That sounds like just what we should expect from our papal Obama-fan.














Blinded by all the mercy

Briefly blinded to the Truth

It’s only September 2nd and the Obama network of dictators, the UN, their Vatican, its hierarchy, and the entire media machine are all hyping FrancisVisit ahead of the Paris Summit.  Right out of the box they hit us with a bewildering cocktail of assaults of course under the banner of ‘mercy.’  With his left he disarmed his faithful critics.  With his right Pope Francis made the entire faithless world think he just forgave abortions.

Though extremely clever, the Francis brand is better with its right than its left because it’s only taken a day for us to bounce back.  Mahound’s Paradise chimed in.

One of the headlines yesterday was that in honor of the upcoming Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has granted to every priest the authority to absolve the sin of abortion, at least for the Jubilee year. The implicit subtext is that priests did not have this authority before. The relevant text is reprinted at the end of this post.

While this declaration has been hailed in many quarters as a sort of stunning development–an example of the Pope’s new Church of Mercy in action, its actual effect in terms of the practical ability to obtain absolution for abortion is . . . wait for it . . . almost zero.

Why do I say that?

Because priests could do it anyway.

Or to put it differently, as with many things surrounding this Pope, the reality is different from the hype.

The word ‘hype’ is so apt for this Propagandist-Pope.

The writer goes on to describe the many, many ways that the restrictions on Confession and absolution for abortion are legally lifted already.  In reality there are no limits upon the Mercy of God for the repentant.  Of course, most people do not know that.  They think the Church is all about hating people.

Here the reader may stop and ask, isn’t this all just so complicated? Shouldn’t the Pope be commended for making it simple and transparent (during the Jubilee Year only, we should add, then we go back to the regular rules)? The answer to this is that while the rules might be somewhat complicated–it’s taken me 1,000+ words to explain them–the reality or the practice is not. If one has been a party to abortion, “easy” absolution has always been available, or, more accurately, has been available at least since 1983 and in many cases earlier.

The truth of the matter of course is that the real impediment is not some 24 hour waiting period that would apply in only a small minority of cases anyway, but the state of mind of the potential penitent–not desiring to obtain absolution from a priest, or being afraid of it, ignorant as to its importance or whatever.

The Pope’s announcement was, to put it simply, a PR move.

This is the cold hard truth about FrancisMercy.  It’s PR.  ‘Mercy for the peripheries’ to put it another way.  It’s supposed to reel in the lost, but it will only serve to do two things:

  1. Confirm them in their sins.
  2. Make Pope Francis look like the Messiah again so he can be harnessed by the Left.

He is a ‘transformational figure,’ remember, meaningful to much more than just ‘catholics.’

But those who are wise as serpents in these matters might look on it in another way: It’s a PR move to stress the goodness and mercy not of God, but of this Pope, and to implicitly condemn the “old” or “traditional” Church (in other words the eternal Catholic Church) of being, well, mean.

(I should note that the sub-headline to many stories on the Pope’s announcement plays exactly into that–“traditionalists” were “dismayed” at the Pope offering an “easy out” to such a grave sin. Given the stress by traditionalists on confession, that’s almost a complete inversion of the truth.)

If the Pope were truly interested in saving those who were prisoners of mortal sin, he would call all non-Catholics to convert (you need to be a Catholic, obviously, to receive the sacrament of absolution) instead of implying that it doesn’t matter and condemning those who think it does–“proselytism is solemn nonsense…the most important thing is to journey together towards the good.”

If the Pope were truly interested in reminding his flock of the necessity of confession, he would ask all Catholics to go and go regularly, and require that his bishops and priests make it more readily available. Announce it from the pulpit often, allot more time to it, put the confession booths back and stop storing hymnals in them.

If the Pope were truly interested in offering absolution to those who were a party to abortion, he would implore them to see a priest today, not wait until the start of his own Jubilee Year on December 8.

That is the last word on the subject of yesterday.