Free man of God and a grass-roots effort

Free man of God and a grass-roots effort

I got a note today from someone who is frustrated about the ugly Synod in Rome and the hapless press and is concerned over The Remnant’s call for donations.

Here’s my response:


I guess this year people are expecting the heresy and tricks. Last year some of them were still surprised. This year people know the Catholic press is corrupt. Last year they were still getting used to it.

Why Voris, Weigel, and the media?  It’s the same thing that’s ruined everything: money.  It seems the powers-that-be have much more oppressive leverage since the TARP bailout and Obama.  Money must also be behind the Muslim colonization.  Someone holds the purse strings behind all these unwanted changes.

They even tie the banks to Benedict’s abdication.  You probably saw.  Regulators put the freeze on Vatican banking until the day he stepped down.

Today with Francis, a top Washington firm, Promontory, supposedly has access to the Vatican books, and the latest Vatican Bank capitulations have turned all their transactions ‘transparent’.  If the Church had not complied with these new rules, they’d continue to be charged with laundering.  Now, if someone gives the Vatican money, they know about it in Brussels and Washington; I’m sure D.C. takes note of big donations to the Church these days.

It’s rumored that healthcare money was behind John Roberts and Obamacare.

How are they making the whole world gay and genderless?  The same way they made adultery, abortion, hypersexuality, and divorce widespread; the same way they’ve divided men and women: Money.

What we call banking used to be called usury. Doctrine against it hasn’t changed; it’s just been suppressed.  No-one can even cite or explain it today.  The Church understood that banking was unjust.  It grew like a tumor out of the Enlightenment. It’s just a shell game anyway.  What are stocks?  What do you get for a ‘share?’  It only keeps ahead of the inflation when others want it more than you did.

Before the Federal Reserve, you could stuff money in your mattress and not lose it. Today they steal 4-10% every year if you don’t invest and take a risk.  Your gamble is what keeps them rich, just like in Vegas.  Banks were on both sides of the Napoleonic Wars and the Civil War.

Now we have insurance for everything, interest, high taxes, and inflation.  We have to pay the emperors for electricity, water, fuel, and communication.  We have to go to them for food and send kids to their schools.  We have to sit in expensive cars to reach their work facilities.  They say it’s progress, and that may be true in some ways, but you can’t deny it’s a kind of slavery.

All the while, the Church just keeps getting smaller, less orthodox, and less different.  What is a Catholic school anyway?  Even the few faithful colleges are all pope-worshipping ‘conservatives’ now.

Pro-Life politics doesn’t stop the genocide.  It seems almost to enable it.  We talk while they die.  Abortion is the absolute lowest sin, but for us it’s everything.  It’s almost the Faith itself.  But just like gay sex, it was beneath Our Lord to even speak of it in scripture.   What about the rest of what it takes to create a true Christian society, one that can guide us to Heaven?  Where is all that?

I don’t think God is impressed.  How much longer could we expect Christ to watch our weakness?

Pepin and the Papal States were essential to the Church.  It was only ninety years after they stole them from us that we got John XXIII.  Today the Church is what our rulers permit it to be; is it not?  They permit it to die.

So now The Remnant is in a spot, just when people are realizing they’ve been right. Nobody has any money for the Truth.

Maybe it’s time to do like St. Francis and the Apostles:  take a buddy, one pair of sandals, and make a lean-to.  At least until Peter comes around, maybe that’s all we’ve got.


Just take it. It's for your own good, and mine.

Just take it. It’s for your own good, and mine.

Pat Archbold has a post at the Remnant that does what Pat always does, applies a reality-check and much-needed perspective to the spindom that is FrancisChurch.

I am reminded of the famous Maginot line today as I saw a flurry of stories these past days about how the “conservatives” are standing up at the synod, closing the door to this or that innovation in doctrine. Case in point, Cardinal Vingt-Trois (fittingly a French Cardinal) said that those expecting “spectacular change” of Church doctrine will be disappointed.

O goody.

We see breathless stories from those who would like nothing more than spectacular change, crowing how the “Conservatives Struck First”

In his 7,000-word opening address on Monday morning, intended to set the tone for the synod’s work, Erdő seemed determined to close a series of doors that many people believed the last synod had left open — beginning with the controversial proposal of German Cardinal Walter Kasper to allow divorced and civilly remarried Catholics to return to Communion.

That Communion ban, Erdő insisted, is not an “arbitrary prohibition” but “intrinsic” to the nature of marriage as a permanent union. Mercy, he said, doesn’t just offer the possibility of forgiveness, it also “demands conversion.”

So the conservatives have learned the lessons from the first synod, we are told, and they will not let THAT happen again. They will not allow an interim document like THAT again. They will make sure to argue against changing doctrine on this matter and some may even argue against changes in discipline.

The conservatives are ready this time; they will not allow Germany to invade from the east again!!

The Pope’s opening words at the Synod were a powerful defense of Catholic teaching on marriage, for nine paragraphs.  Then surprise, he closed with two paragraphs of FrancisGospel.  The pathetic bone he threw to his orphaned Catholic social conservatives last week by covertly meeting with Kim Davis, was immediately swamped in a barrage of gay propaganda and deceit from Rome.  Once in a while Francis does something Catholic.  It’s a game.

Cardinals say things.  Everyone reassures.  These people aren’t your friends.


Closer to home, I was just starting to appreciate my obnoxious liberal pastor after years of pain and disgust, until this Sunday.  During the desperate lap around the Church he always makes to being Mass, in mock of any type of procession, he stopped to harass my wife about her chapel veil and pretended he would tear it off.  I think his mic was turned off this time.  (He usually keeps it on for his candid mumbles and jokes.)

Our relatively old 1960 church has eleven televisions, two of them twenty feet across in front, and six tower speakers to hear Father’s tone-deaf shouts and growls. It’s the loudest parish in the world.  He calls it a ‘megachurch’ but it’s really just about 135 suffering people with a mega A/V system.

Father refuses to let us have missals but apparently the Gospel reading was on marriage.  Then in his homily he told us that, despite what Our Lord said about divorce, regrettably sometimes it is necessary, of course.

That was a new low.  Separation can be necessary under threat for example, but divorce?  Perhaps a ‘legal’ divorce to protect your rights, but there’s certainly no such thing as an actual divorce.  Besides, divorced people almost always think what they did was ‘necessary.’  “We just couldn’t live together.”  “We’d grown apart.” “It was best for the children, so they don’t grow up with an example of an unloving couple”  It goes on and on.  Father might just as well have said, “This way to Hell.  Let me help you.”

Next, among the frightening prayers of the faithful we prayed for ‘all those who have had to divorce!”  I felt like I’d slipped down the street to the Methodists.

If you celebrate and disseminate changes in Church doctrine, you reveal yourself an apostate with no faith at all.  The Church can’t be wrong then and right now, or right then and wrong now.  If you believe it’s only right now, then you’ve put your faith in ‘now’ and not the Church.  Faith in ‘now’ is not faith at all.  It’s just a nervous need to run with the pack, like pigs over a cliff.

Finally during Communion, the band at the side of the altar sang one of the most sickening love songs I’d ever heard.  I only remember one line though:

“The fragrance of your presence intoxicates me”

That may be in the Bible somewhere but I’m starting to feel like I’ve been captured by some homo-Church and pinned down with a knife to my ear.


At morning Mass today, the Prayer of the Faithful asked us to pray that the Synod would provide relief for those who can’t receive Holy Communion because of some ‘obstruction’ in their marriage.

Lector:   Please, God remove those obstructions from our marriages.

All:          Lord hear our prayer?

Is this Mars?

(We then prayed for the ship lost at sea in the recent hurricane.  Why do we have to pray for something on the TV news all the time?  Aren’t there ten people locally who just had their throats cut or were shot?  Why does it always have to be a TV tragedy?)

Tomorrow we’ll probably pray for all those who are obstructed from getting a divorce for some rigid reason.

I don’t know what fiends provide input to Prayers of the Faithful, but it must be injected somewhere at a national level.  Not only is the Synod false and pre-concluded, they already have all their propaganda lined up for the old people and remaining victims who are dim enough to appreciate an hour and fifteen minutes worth of repulsive ‘worship’ on Sundays.






If that marriage is invalid, let's make this one valid. Call it a merciful 'renullment' or something.

If that marriage is invalid, let’s make this one valid. Call it a merciful ‘renullment’ or something.

The Eye-Witness blog has some rare truth about FrancisAnnulments, but it’s only common sense, really.

This is a dangerous business.

I am not alone in being concerned that the Pope’s new instant annulment process is just a part of the stage-management that has been going on by the movers and shakers of the upcoming Synod. It seems clear enough – especially by the timing – that this is a maneuver to both win some hearts and minds – uncritical hearts and minds, that is – while at the same time greasing the skids for the more radical moves that are intended for October.

Even Cardinal Burke, who is more than a little familiar with the annulment process and was active in that arena in its liberalized state, is uneasy about this, calling the easing of the annulment process “sentimentalism and false compassion.”  What His Eminence did not say is that it was already far too easy to get one, and even on the flimsiest of pretexts.

Sentimentalism.  That’s what’s Islamicizing Europe right now.  We are truly a debased, de-natured people.

Let us face some cold, hard facts.  The annulment process in recent decades has been an absolute farce.  In America especially.  It is so farcical that critics of the Church have rightly called it “Catholic divorce”.  A good example: a man and a woman (known to this writer) married seventeen years and the parents of seven children were granted an annulment.  No wife-beating was involved.  The husband was far from perfect but the wife had had enough of him.  So their marriage was declared to have “never existed in the first place”.

Whether the husband was a bounder or not, they were still sacramentally married.

Many of us in the active Catholic community have such stories.

That is one story among thousands.  The number of annulments granted in recent decades is by any standard ridiculous; in the past 2,000 years there were probably 82 annulments given by the Church.  Now they give out 82 per day.  It is as if the Marx Brothers were put in charge of marriage tribunals.

But the Eye-Witness sees something even more sinister at work than the destruction of society through this institutional malpractice.

The cheers from Catholics anxious to dump their spouses is deafening.  The cheers from supine clergymen supporting this new Francis edict are also deafening.  Fence-sitting Catholics, always willing to give the benefit of the doubt, are cautiously optimistic by this.  But all of these souls are falling into a booby-trap which will explode next month.  By their cheers of support they are providing a faux consesus for a Pope who it seems wants to show a false mercy towards divorced and remarried people and, far worse, homosexual cohabitation. If the Modernists can gain Catholic support for this new “merciful” annulment process the laid trap will be snapped in a few weeks.

The earmarks of Hollywood-style PR do seem to be all over this.  It reeks of contrivance.  Once again our emotions are being manipulated by clever men.  As far as the “merciful” aspect of this latest Francis move we remain sceptical.  Our common sense tells us that even more chaos is ahead, courtesy of the strange man who now occupies the Petrine Office.

‘Strange man.’ I see it.

If the entire faithful Catholic apparatus can look the other way at this latest atrocity, they’ll be demoralized enough to sign on to anything.