About fgwalkers@att.net

Editor, Canon212.com

2 Thoughts on “Canon212 Update: Francis is in the Vatican, But the Church Militant is Down the Street and Around the Block

  1. lynn phifer on June 13, 2018 at 7:09 pm said:

    I enjoyed your jocular commentary. Indeed, is that what it has not all become, a theatre of the absurd…..worthy only of guffaws and open smirks. A chief clown and his minions, dressed up like catholics. These jokes have been doing everything they can for 50 plus years to produce mediocrity in their “church”. Mediocre Mass, music, spirituality and teaching. We used to be in the season of Pentecost….now we are in ordinary time…what a fitting title for their sub mediocre parody of catholicism. Fear sin and the loss of God for all eternity is Catholic teaching….from the horse’s mouth…fear mediocrity….yes FEAR Bergoglio and his lying minions, the essence of mediocrity (and worse).

  2. Melanie on June 14, 2018 at 1:06 am said:

    Weisenburger? Do these people actually think that Catholics believe they are Bishops of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church? Canonical penalties, PLEASE.

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