About fgwalkers@att.net

Editor, Canon212.com

3 Thoughts on “Canon212 Update: It Took Hungary’s Major Family Incentives for the Catholic Media to Warn Against Gov’t. Spending

  1. Nora Sanchez on December 3, 2019 at 3:49 pm said:

    I read the article A Pope With the “Myth” of the People.
    It’s excellent and it should be a MUST read for all catholics.
    Thank you for posting it.

  2. Regarding these ecological sins, Frank, when you mentioned running a/c too cold I was reminded of my father who always kept the thermostat at 68 degrees in the summer (his preference and likely due somewhat to his heart condition). His father estranged my father and his sister from the Catholic faith at a young age but my Catholic mother raising five children gave him the opportunity to think through his personal decisions. We found out – at his funeral – that two weeks before he died in heart bypass surgery that he had made a very business-like appointment with our pastor.

    Wonderful story, right? I am CONVINCED if any of this ecology talk was going on at the time he would have never gone near our pastor. Absolutely convinced.

    Now I am seeing Francis’ evil in a brand new light, and it’s sickening.

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