A reader from Mexico City was denied access to Canon212.com by Walmart’s Wi-fi Blocker, an American network ‘security’ service.

Has this kind of thing happened to you?


About fgwalkers@att.net

Editor, Canon212.com

4 Thoughts on “Canon212 Deemed Too ‘Traditionally Religious’ for Walmart

  1. Anonymous on December 16, 2019 at 8:02 pm said:

    I find it highly unlikely that a Walmart in Mexico City has a website blocker that communicates with the patrons in English.

    While it is certainly possible that the site was blocked, I suspect this photo is a scam.

    • fgwalkers@att.net on December 16, 2019 at 8:15 pm said:

      If they can have a miserable Wal-Mart in Mexico, then they can probably have their Seattle-based blocking service too.

  2. Br. Alexis Bugnolo on December 17, 2019 at 12:25 am said:

    My gut reaction is that if you do not know the person from whom you received this image, that it might be simply a very nasty troll, who is trying to say that the only kind of people who read your site go to Walmart and who hates traditional Catholic faith.

    He evidently does not know that many of your readers are persons with graduate and post graduate education, who understand that there is such a deep Marxist block on news, that only sites like Canon212.com truly deliver it.

  3. Earnie Bay on December 17, 2019 at 7:53 am said:

    Even if this screenshot is a fabrication, I can tell you as a “traddie” who has worked in large corporations that this sort of thing is very common. I doubt that someone who works there has explicitly blocked “canon212.com”; rather it is likely that whatever firewall/proxy/filter is present is using either a vendor provided blacklist or more likely an algorithm which checks content on the homepage. But yes, either way they are seeking to block religious content. I would also note that they are within their rights to do this since it is their network and anyone who uses it is either an employee or a guest and subject to whatever controls the network owner chooses to implement.

    Personally, I avoid accessing any non-work-related content on my employers network… One never knows who is reading the logs of these network devices!

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