About fgwalkers@att.net

Editor, Canon212.com

5 Thoughts on “Canon212 Update: After Ten Years of Francis, Even the ‘Faithful’ Press Isn’t Pretending to Sound Catholic

  1. M.Murphy on June 15, 2023 at 6:27 pm said:

    Frank, Without even listening yet, your title says it all!!!!!

  2. Michael Randolph on June 16, 2023 at 9:05 am said:

    Were Renaissance Popes as evil as commonly portrayed in our modern culture?

    Here’s an article from 2013 which raises the question: Were the Borgias Really so Bad? https://www.historytoday.com/history-matters/were-borgias-really-so-bad

    Also, here’s a book drawing from scholarly sources that shows Alexander VI might well be the most slandered man in history.

    The Truth about Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI, by N.M. Gwynne


    From the description:

    Alexander VI, is widely believed to have been the worst of the popes. He is said to have spent his nights in orgies and his days in organising the assassination of rivals, purloining church funds, and granting high offices to his numerous illegitimate children. But the most serious and scholarly historian to have studied the original sources for his life, Mgr. Peter De Roo, concludes that he was entirely innocent of any of the offences he is charged with: he did not obtain the papacy by bribery, he was not the father of any children, legitimate or otherwise, he was not a murderer or corrupt. Very much to the contrary, he was in fact a man of austerity, prayerfulness and charity, highly principled, a superb administrator, justly revered and loved throughout his life, and altogether an exemplary Pope, indeed quite possibly a saint.

    • That is a wise observation, appreciated. Doesn’t it seem obvious that this would be one of the devil’s tricks – to slander the name of ancient Popes, depending on past rumors, and current ignorance? It reminds me of Protestants, biased toward bigotry, latching on to the fictitious assertions of The Da Vinci code, presented and popular because the author contends it is loosely based on fact. Fiction becomes fact in the bigoted translation and passed on to ever expanding social circles as the new reality – even Catholics buy in.

      I think Catholics should default to veneration of every one of the 265 Popes until proven otherwise, in accord with personal investigation and knowledge within the Constant Magisterium, not rumors and inuendos.

  3. C. P. Benischek on June 16, 2023 at 9:46 am said:

    Feast of the Sacred Heart
    (With Commemoration of the Feast of St John Francis Regis)
    Friday, 16 June 2023 A. D.

    Funny to see Bugnolo tooting your horn, Frank. A Bronx cheer, more like it.

    You might remember Brother Bugnolo as a staunch Benedict is Pope and Only Pope man originally. He considered Bergolio an antipope, which he is; and if he was an antipope when Benedict was alive, he is an antipope even after Benedict has died.


    My personal belief is we are in an interregnum, a period without a pope since December 31, 2022, when the last Pope, Pope Benedict of blessed memory, died. May the Lord and the Immaculate Heart rectify this woeful situation as soon as possible.

    Meanwhile, Bugnolo only came to believe that archheretic Antipope Francis Forty, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was ‘pope’ after he himself elected him. Ha, neat trick, Brother Bugnolo–please tell us more about that one.

    The Conclave of No Consequence

    Yea verily, Bugnolo himself declared the False Pope Francis “pope” at Bugnolo’s own conclave, a conclave attended upon information and belief by all of three persons, four at most. They all cast “votes” unanimously for Bergoglio, according to Bugnolo’s own accounts.

    I have dubbed Bergoglio Francis Forty because the Church has had 39 antipopes before him, and she has weathered all of them. So too, the Corpus-Christi-hating, sodomfolk-loving Frankie Forty is . . . water off a duck’s back.

    Adios, my Argentine Amigo. Do consider, Francis Forty, to try to make a good Confession before you exit, stage (far) left. Because your exit, Cardinal Bergoglio, is assured, and it would appear imminent.

    No Clicks for Brother Bugnolo

    Meanwhile, I and my house for one stopped following Bugnolo when he began advocating for Zelensky on a straight NWO platform, at about the same time that he became a Francis-NWO-pope-of-the-Masons man. And a Zelensky Ten-Percent-sky zealot.

    Thanks for your continuing reportage.

    Immaculate Heart, triumph! Viva Cristo Rey!

    C. P. Benischek

  4. Aqua on June 16, 2023 at 2:47 pm said:

    Contra Fr Jackson who recently plead guilty to video-based sex crimes against children, almost all of whom are “trafficked” – stolen from their homes and sold as slaves to satisfy the immense market for pedo-perv porn … here is a nice, encouraging respite – the Trailer for Caviezel’s latest work of art, Sound Of Freedom, to be released on Independence Day, July 4:


    They say child trafficking is orders of magnitude larger in economic scale than any other industry on the planet. Why don’t we know this … really, really know this? Fr Jackson, supremely solid, FSSP, Tradition advocating Fr Jackson … who is now also an admitted pedo-perv criminal … should serve as a *harbinger* of the evil among us, near us, everywhere.

    No mercy to evil.

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