About fgwalkers@att.net

Editor, Canon212.com

One Thought on “Canon212 Update: DeathVicar of the West

  1. Maxine on June 18, 2024 at 11:22 am said:

    The appearance of Bergoglio at the G7 was no stunt. Neither was the well-publicised head bump in “brother” Biden’s greeting.

    Karma Kagyu, one of the four major schools of Buddhism, teaches that touching foreheads is a gesture of endearing closeness. Good old friends touch foreheads; similarly, teachers feeling a strong bond of knowledge with students will do so. This is also known as a ‘spiritual kiss.’
    The ‘Sky Eye,’ i.e. crown of the head, is believed highest of the seven “chakras” of energy and enlightenment. Meeting foreheads suggests mutual closeness and understanding. It is also a way of showing that neither person is seen as more important, or ‘higher’ than the other, and that they are equals.

    It’s no secret that rituals and ceremonies of the international brotherhood of Masons include such elements derived from occult ancient religions of India and the Middle East. Under penalty of death, the solemn oath of the “Illuminati” is to oppose and uproot the forces of Darkness, i.e. all and anyone considered a threat to their elite power and masterplans

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