About fgwalkers@att.net

Editor, Canon212.com

3 Thoughts on “Canon212 Update: Is Abp. Vigano Caught Up In Some Mass-Crushing Campaign?

  1. Maxine on June 26, 2024 at 5:05 pm said:

    I think the word is “projection” or “gaslighting,” and, sadly, so much of it going on in a world where life and death and truth are up for sale. “Omnia omnibus ubique,”

  2. Patrick O'Brien on June 26, 2024 at 7:07 pm said:

    Archbishop Lefebvre certainly had doubts about the papacies of Paul VI and John Paul II. Look at this video by sede-vacantist priest Fr. Anthony Cekada:


  3. Evangeline on June 27, 2024 at 11:39 am said:

    Given all the troubles we have had, I’ve always noticed the SSPX is silent. Maybe I’ve missed it, but wouldn’t one expect the SSPX to do some kind of outreach to help the suffering Catholics. Now this criticism of the one man who stands up and publicly says what many, many Catholics are thinking, and the SSPX is right there to signal their loyalty to Francis. Ok, now we know. Jumping from frying pan to fire right now is not the least interesting. Apparently there are no men in the church (except one) ready to defend the flock, or concerned about souls out here. It’s self-preservation. The whole lot is pretty disgusting, at this point, unimpressive, at best.
    How can anyone at this point believe traditionalists are going to be free to just go off to the SSPX. There is no scenario I can envision in which they all get left alone by Francis, because, the faithful will still gall him, and if the numbers there are overflowing, he’s still got to see it. Intolerable. If he can close off routes of proper worship anywhere, I believe he will take that route. What an amusing game, ban the TLM, knowing the faithful will choose another route, then shut the door on that as soon as they get there, or thereafter. Can anyone seriously question if there is sufficient hatred to do just that? How he does it is up to him, he’s apparently all-powerful with no earthly impediment to his goals, and no doubt he’ll be defended by even our own under some historical rubric or another. Yeah, yeah. Maybe if some lucrative understanding arise between Francis and the SSPX, maybe then they can continue. But anyone who thinks they are done after this next edict, seem to me to be underestimating. I also think after some dust settles, the consecration.
    Hey, I expect ducks to quack, maybe it’s just me.

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