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2 Thoughts on “Canon212 Update: National Eucharistic Grindr Congress

  1. Chris Benischek on July 22, 2024 at 7:56 pm said:

    St Mary Magdalene


    Re ‘Saint’ John Paul II, the Maciel scandal certainly weighs against any such claim to sainthood. Maciel, much like Rupnik or Burrill, is on the order of demonic straight out of a Fr. Malachy Martin novel of ‘faction.’

    Fear not. Although many if not most canonizations post the easing of the rules under John Paul II’s new code of canon law are legitimately suspect (John Henry Newman who prayed for the death of Blessed Popu Pius the IX, or John XXIII, see below, for example), canonizations by a usurper false pope intent on destroying Holy Mother Church have absolutely no force.

    Recall, John XXIII was also purportedly ‘canonized’ the same day as John Paul by Franky Forty as we call him around here. (That’s as in Fortieth Anti-Pope in Church History. We weathered the first 39; forty is water off a duck’s back).

    Everyone should recall that John XXIII’s chief claim to fame–even more than the calling the Council of Ill Repute–is disobeying a direct command from the Queen of Heaven: to release the Third Secret by 1960. The whole Catholic world expected it to be released in 1960 at the latest. But he wrote: “This message is not for my time[!]” (See Antonio Socci’s “Fourth Secret”.)

    I share your sense of reserve regarding the ‘Unite the Clams’ crowd, because its progenitor will not recognize the falsity of the fake 1967-2005 Sr. Lucy, despite overwhelming evidence from Dr. Peter Chojnowski of the fact of the Imposter, or that Francis is not a legitimate but rather a False Pope.

    As for the Fatima Center and its divergence from the opinion of Fr. Gruner (and many another Trad. Inc. entity), stating anything other than “Francis is DEFINITELY Pope” on this subject just might be inconvenient for fundraising.

    Franky Forty, you’re a False Pope, and you and your plan to destroy Holy Mother Church are going down.

    C. P. Benischek
    N.Y., N.Y.

    • Shriven Maid on July 23, 2024 at 11:24 pm said:

      Dear CPB,

      Why did John Henry Newman pray for the death of Pius IX? Can’t find the answer very readily.

      Thank you.


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