About fgwalkers@att.net

Editor, Canon212.com

2 Thoughts on “Canon212 Update: Francis Doesn’t Have the ‘Fragrance of Jesus’

  1. One of the local speakers at FrancisMass in Deli, East Timor, reverently called the place “the Land of Sandalwood.” Leave it to Francis to duly proclaim he smelled the “scent of Jesus.” What kind of gag is that?
    Sandalwood is sacred, all right, but to Hindu and Vedic societies. The wood was carved for statues of Buddha and Zoroastrian gods, and burned to fuel their fire temples. Sandalwood oil and powder were used for incense, fragrant perfumes, and spices.

    Yes, spice, “the taste that launched 1000 ships.”
    “The good old rule, the simple plan: they should take & they should keep who can….We Amsterdamers journey where profit leads us, to every sea and shore [following] the Scent of Paradise.” For two centuries the Dutch East India Company enslaved the native peoples on expropriated sandalwood, pepper, nutmeg and clove plantations throughout Indonesia. By the time spices got to Europe, their value inflated up to 1000%. After 1500, there was virtually no European spice market that was not dyed red with human blood.

    By the way, on the subject of marketing, Vatican promo umbrellas aside, so amazing to see everyone at Francis’ Youth Meeting (and thousands at the outdoor Mass) wearing T-shirts with the Vatican logo and Francis face imprinted on the back. During the ceremonial trade of gifts, Francis was super-thrilled to be presented with a hand-carved sandalwood statue of HIMSELF.
    Ah, the scent of paradise!

  2. Randall Norman on September 11, 2024 at 1:21 pm said:

    Hey Frank

    Here’s an item for you: Catholic church in Joliet IL wins their appeal to the Vatican, they will not close nor be merged into another parish. Major defeat for Bp Ronald Hicks.


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