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Editor, Canon212.com


  1. C. P. Benischek on March 19, 2025 at 6:47 pm said:

    St. Joseph’s Day, 2025 A. D.

    Excellent report, Frank. I’m glad you drew attention yesterday to the blackout and shutdown of the Church for an ordinary cold. What a chilling depiction of a morally bankrupt church, under an un-Catholic Anti-Pope, a thematic Map of the Abyss.

    Absolutely right ONLY the Society of St. Pius X. remained in the trenches to fight for Christ and His Church.

    I was shocked to see my pastor in New York City, shutter his doors, on the threat of the milquetoast mayor Bill Di Blasio that he would “take” his building, his Church.

    I remember it well because it was the week before Holy Week, when Cardinal Dolan, and all the rest of our milquetoast bishops, followed suit of the Anti-Pope, and shut down Holy Mother Church to the people.

    I said, literally, I’ll be damned if I let these lavender clowns deprive my family of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass during Holy Week, and of the Sacred Triduum.

    And I think of other cowardly priests who closed their Masses and their schools, or mandated that their students at the schools couldn’t go to daily Mass, as at the F. S. S. P. in New Jersey, and had to wear masks, and cower in cubicles at their teachers wearing face diapers(!)!

    Such priests also stood idly by and either generally encouraged or induced their parishioners to take the un-holy-Francis ‘act of love’ death shot, to their everlasting shame, took the Pfizerdeath shot blindly themselves, and at a minimum did not speak out against the experimental untrued death vax.

    They failed to protect their flock as was there moral and sacred duty.

    So we attended thesl sacred liturgy for that Triduum, and beyond, at the SSPX Church of Christ the King in Ridgefield, Connecticut. God bless those men, one of whom drove down every Sunday to mass in Philadelphia, where he was really under siege by the fascist BLM regime there, to the point that the neighbors there were calling the police on him to have him arrested, if you can believe it, for fear of spreading the so-called fake plague.

    It’s not exactly as if the Covid Planned-Scam-Demic was, in any way, like a real plague, such as the bubonic plague or the black death.

    During a real plague, for example in the Year of Our Lord 1617, St. Vincent de Paul, like Catherine of Siena and all true Catholics before him, cared for his flock; offering Mass; burying the dead during plague or no plague; feeding the poor; and he well summed up such men we have today with a withering line in the beautiful opening scenes of the classic movie “Monsieur Vincent.”

    To a man, a veteran soldier, cowering to help him help a child, daughter of a plague victim, St. Vincent said:

    “If I ever run into the Marechal de Bassompierre (with whom you fought for ten years), I will tell him about how you could fight ten Spaniards, but you feared illness like an old woman!”

    Now that’s a priest.


    C. P. Benischek
    N. Y., N. Y.

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