Love Christ means getting your hands around the entire planet

Loving Christ means getting your hands around the entire planet?

In a few words The Tenth Crusade sums up FrancisChurch at the moment of the Global Warming Encyclical.

Pope Francis blasted Catholics labeling his rhetoric about money ‘communism’. They are only showing concern for the poor – that’s all. It’s unfair to say people who care about the poor are communists.

I guess it’s never occurred to him that people calling what he’s doing communism actually care about and for the poor too–some of them even poor themselves.

Sometimes I get the feeling he thinks before he showed up, nobody cared for the poor.

He must know it isn’t advocacy for the poor that convicts him of socialism, its the specific strategies he suggests. It was his constant shilling for the virtues of dysfunction that leaves one penniless and his incitement of contempt for people who study in school and go to work. The class warfare. His going gaga for Cuban communist dictators and tyrants did not help his reputation. It is his abandonment of moral theology and the distribution of Sanctifying Grace – turning the church into a social service agency.

Christ blasted Judas when he tried to turn our mission into the proprietorship of the poor and warned him that first and foremost is the mission of salvation which we have all yet to see in this papacy.

Just as Pope Francis has contempt for a holy and ancient Mass, Judas hated the way Magdalene poured priceless perfume on Jesus feet.  But she was devoted.  She worshiped Him.  She gave Him what meant the most to Him as God.  She loved Him for who He is.  Can’t these things be good in and of themselves?

Consumed by money, power and jealousy, truly Judas was a ‘social justice’ Catholic.


One Thought on “Laudato Si: Loving the Poor Like Judas Did

  1. Great article, I agree 100 percent.

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