Be in communion. No-one is unmercifully excluded Photo by Kyle Spradley | © 2014 - Curators of the University of Missouri

Merciful FrancisChurch communion.  No-one is excluded.

Since Pope Benedict abdicated due to weariness and in the stated belief that someone, anyone could do better than he could, we have been treated to one unthinkable and outrageous papal crisis after another, the most frightening being the unified hurricane of worldwide media spin behind Francis.  That enormous roar is the sound of money, lots of it.

In general these painful shocks have been limited to three main areas: Francis’s calculated heretical meanderings, his formal documents, and the sinister Synod.  There are actually two others problem areas which are indirect but no less destructive.  These are the license and backing given to unfaithful ‘catholics’ in the institutional church, and the close alliances with anti-Christian lawless political regimes and their players.

Now we have something worse.

Like their Orthodox brothers and sisters, Catholics formally will mark September 1 as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Pope Francis has decided.

The day of prayer, the Pope said, will give individuals and communities an opportunity to implore God’s help in protecting creation and an opportunity to ask God’s forgiveness “for sins committed against the world in which we live.”

Pope Francis announced his decision to add the annual prayer day to the Catholic calendar in a letter to Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, and to Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

Aside from the unjust anti-capitalist planning Pope Francis continually trumpets as Catholicism, there is also a kind of pantheism, and with it a diminution of human nature – of the rights of man before God. The faux-scientific ranting of his Laudato Si Manifesto betrays a contempt for man’s true dignity, for his freedom, life, family, and material possessions.  Earth-worship and materialistic communism are one and the same. They share a spirituality founded on something that is inevitably dirt, on death.

The faithful pundits have responded with measured council to overlook the lies and accept the truths in the Pope’s letter, but doing so accomplishes little because FrancisChurch is all about hyper-propaganda.  Faithful Catholics are just in the way and will be ignored, managed.  The steamrollers will flatten Christian men and women like so many unarmed Chinese hoping to save their homes.

Francis doesn’t care that you’ve parsed his encyclical according to what is doctrine and what is fancy.  He’s treating the whole thing as if its the God’s truth and asking the entire Catholic world to spend a day begging forgiveness for sins against creation.  What was an erroneous encyclical now becomes a day of Earth-supplication.  What will happen next to all the other days?

Pope Francis said Christians want to make their special contribution to safeguarding creation, but to do that they must rediscover the spiritual foundations of their approach to earthly realities, beginning with an acknowledgment that “the life of the spirit is not dissociated from the body or from nature,” but lived in communion with all worldly realities.

It’s telling that the Pope’s call for our debased communion with the Earth coincides with his push to profane true Holy Communion.  FrancisChurch points down.

The ecological crisis, he said, is a summons “to a profound spiritual conversion” and to a way of life that clearly shows they are believers.

We must believe and demonstrate our belief here to something akin to animism in order to now be ‘Catholic.’

Quoting his encyclical, he said, “living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience.”

Behold a definitive statement of Francis’s anti-doctrine.  He isn’t specific here about acts we must perform or avoid, but he is clear about the obedience we must show.  For specifics, just read Laudato Si. In the mind of Francis, its commands are neither ‘optional’ nor ‘secondary’  but ‘essential to a life of virtue.’

If you are still perplexed the new Church of the world will show you how to comply.  Witness California.

As the hollowed-out spaces of Catholic Churches fill with worldly prayers for communism and environmentalism, we are required to make an inhuman submission like the Christian bowing before the Islamist’s knife.  It’s not just a matter of disjointed papal sermons or misguided encyclicals. We must be made spiritually smaller, be degraded to accept FrancisChurch.


5 Thoughts on “FrancisChurch Gets Its First Holy Day

  1. Magdalene on August 11, 2015 at 10:53 pm said:

    Tears. Tears before my Lord in the most Blessed Sacrament. I do not understand and say, ” How long, O Lord?” We are Your people, the sheep of your flock and your hireling shepherds are leading too many astray. For years. And years now.

  2. Thomas Lewis on August 12, 2015 at 1:06 am said:

    The day has already been dedicated to Saint Giles, whose name has been held in great veneration for several ages in France and England, is said to have been an Athenian by birth, and of noble extraction. His extraordinary piety and learning drew the admiration of the world upon him in such a manner that it was impossible for him to enjoy in his own country that obscurity and retirement which was the chief object of his desire on earth. He therefore sailed to France, and chose a heritage first in the open deserts near the mouth of the Rhone, afterward near the river Gard, and lastly in a forest in the diocese of Nismes.

  3. No day of prayer against abortion or sodomy ye from the crowd in charge in Rome, but a day of prayer for nature. Butterflies and rainbows, yay. Lovely.

  4. P D Scott on August 12, 2015 at 5:47 pm said:

    This is sickening. I cannot believe that this trivial issue is pleasing to Our Lord as it would make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. On the other hand, the devil likes to detract from the real evils in the world and from Christ’s purpose which was to save souls, so I am sure Lucifer is quite pleased. Anything to detract, and distract from the Faith.

  5. Pingback: Catholic reaction? Man goes ballistic at Orange Diocese Catholic climate conference | A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics

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