Robert Royal has posted a powerful response to Francis’s abusing of the papal office by trying to change Church doctrine on Holy Communion.  You can see it here.

Dr. Royal finds the whole thing ‘bizarre.’

His is the kind of reaction that is as welcome as it is helpless.  In the battle for the Faith during FrancisEra there are two sides to the mainline faithful Catholic front, both reactive.  When FrancisChurch burns down their houses and steals away their children, the Weigel side says, “Thanks,” and the Royal side says, “Hey, stop that you!”

Royal closes his piece with a sort of flick of the tail:

I say this in sorrow, but I’m afraid that the rest of this papacy is now going to be rent by bands of dissenters, charges of papal heresy, threats of – and perhaps outright –schism. Lord, have mercy.

While it is lamentable that there is this fracturing going on, and it’s certainly an occasion to pray, it’s really perfectly natural since the faith is a living thing.  The rest is just so much rot.  If a blackness descends upon Rome, the children of light will pull back, go underground.

Still the twisting and dancing on our side is spectacular, so to Dr. Royal I reply:

  • If the Pope himself is a dissenter, then he is the one doing damage.  If you resist a Pope like Francis, that makes you a Catholic not a pantsuit nun.  Those guys love FrancisChurch.
  • To charge Francis with heresy is a good idea.  You should try it.  I’m sure he’ll make a good faith effort to prove you wrong, yes?  (I would imagine that if someone like you didn’t think Francis was a heretic, he would wonder that he wasn’t trying hard enough.)
  • A schism is what happens when a group of bishops and priests reject the legitimate authority of a Catholic pope based upon their own heresy, not the other way around.

In short, Francis IS the schism.  His personal FrancisChurch, where anyone can receive Communion, and even his own phony namesake is now a ‘violent fundamentalist’, is not Catholic.

Condemning the heresy and rejecting the rulings of a man like Francis is called defending the Faith.  He must either be replaced with a Catholic or resisted.  You don’t throw the word schism at people like some teacher’s pet running around telling all the boys to stay in their seats.  Instead you properly identify them as Church Militant, and I’m not talking The Vortex.





4 Thoughts on “It’s Catholic to Defend the Church From Francis

  1. Barbara Jensen on September 14, 2016 at 6:27 pm said:

    Well said. The defense of the fullness of the Catholic Faith is the priority that should be front and center for the shepherds of Christ’s flock. Of course , it is not because these fraudulent shepherds do not love Christ and His Church. We know this because of their enduring inaction in the face of heresy. Careerism and political maneuverings, as well as any number of other self-serving distractions, are put before this proper defense of God. You are so right. It is Francis himself, and those who cling to his favor and his heresies, that are in schism, not those who resist his blatantly evil trajectory. What is playing out in the Catholic Church has not been seen ever in Catholic history. It is not just a matter of antipope who digresses from orthodoxy, but rather a political machine with Bergoglio as front man destroying the Faith in ever increasing movements. It is all so plain to see if one is willing to look.

  2. Bruce Eckhoff on September 15, 2016 at 3:39 pm said:

    The majority of NO Catholics that have been brought up in the Post Vatican II Church have been corrupted by the Modernist Heresies…..they cannot define their own faith in most cases or differentiate it from others.

    Criticism of Jorge is mostly met with stunned silence.

  3. I witnessed his endless “twisting & turning” on EWTN last night with Arroyo. It was a pathetic spectacle watching him say everything about Pope Disastrous except the truth! Mr Royal’s spinning was not convincing at all.

    And I can see how Father Murray had to hold back…he’s under the thumb of Cardinal “God bless ya!” Dolan who could make his life miserable; but aren’t we called to carry our cross?

    Until people of prominence come forward to denounce this papacy, Pope Francis will continue his reign of terror. I commend your readers to this excellent sermon:

  4. Pingback: This Has Nothing To Do With Christian Unity… | The Deus Ex Machina Blog

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