FrancisChurch is not just the result of a pope who has points of heresy, dissent.  Neither is it an unfortunate reaction to a waffling abdicator with his own set of errors.  FrancisChurch is a program.  It is an entirely different church of its own.

Except for his tortured ‘integration’ of Vatican II corruptions and before his present FrancisChurch reincarnation, Benedict was a Catholic.  Francis is nothing like that.  He’s a man with a very vague and shallow hold on reality.  As with any man deep in sin and despair, his mind is dark to the future and the past.  He’s all about agenda in the here and now.  His destructive project is the one pillar that keeps him from spinning off into the whirlwind.

Then what is the Gospel of FrancisChurch, since it has now stolen and deep-sixed the actual Faith?  Well, it’s that ‘mercy’.  He wads up big clumps of his FrancisMercy like snowballs and hurls them at the Church.  After the faux mercy barrage blinds everyone, the world’s tanks roll in behind.  So now actual Catholics are no longer permitted in Nashville Catholic schools.  Capitulating, formerly Catholic lights are now all at each others’ throats.  Great cardinals lie, smear the faithful, and call them disobedient.

The heretics of FrancisChurch are men of faith, truth, and virtue.  The ‘spirit’ who Francis continually invokes is evil, and nothing like the Holy Spirit.

In effect, FrancisMercy is really just a sin cultivator.  It’s doctrine for a church of sin and it has a repulsive, corrosive effect.  That’s the reason we have the Francis, so God’s Church can be obliterated and true Catholics cast out..  Sin drives away and kills what is holy and alive.

You may say that FrancisChurch is simply a tool of the global totalitarian agenda and that’s true.  But, while their purpose is to build a world of sin where men and women behave and are treated like farm animals, the collapse of the Church with it’s power to save and defend is their true goal.  They are an ‘evil empire’, their ruler is the Prince of this World, and the FrancisChurch of ‘mercy’ is their religion.




One Thought on “FrancisMercy is the Gospel of the Church of Sin

  1. Father BDM on October 9, 2016 at 11:11 pm said:

    Dear God! It has all been flushed now. We’re done. Don’t expect to see any improvement in your lifetime. The collapse that started with Vatican II is now complete. All we have is smoldering rubble. Find a life remnant life preserver and hold on for dear life!

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