Fire and Brimstone for Poverty Policy?

Fire and Brimstone for Poverty Policy?

At Aleteia Tom Hoopes reveals Philly Abp. Chaput’s assertion that neglecting the poor is a mortal sin which will condemn us to Hell.

What about the Jubilee Year of Mercy?

“I’ve said many times over many years that if we ignore the poor, we will go to hell: literally,” Archbishop Charles Chaput said, most recently, here.

I love that. I am well aware that, just as perfect contrition is better than imperfect contrition, it is better to serve the poor out of love for God and neighbor than out of fear of reprisal.

But I also know that, to get over spiritual and moral inertia, sometimes we need a little push.

So if you are like me, and avoiding hell is a motivator for you, remember that is how we will be judged, and take the steps you need to get right with God.

Hoopes cites Jesus’ story of Lazarus and the Rich Man.

For Jesus, it is impossible to love him and not serve the poor. It is there in the Last Judgement in Matthew 25:31-46; it is there in the story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31. Anyone who thinks they are doing so is fooling themselves.

Certainly it is good to love the poor and to help them.  The story of Lazarus condemns sloth, greed, and lack of charity; sins of omission which can be temptations to those leading cushy lives.  When I hear this story I think of limousine liberals; Hollywood stars who advocate for trendy causes and government programs, but do little good.

But this new mantra emerging in the Time of Mercy, where it doesn’t matter how much faith you have, how many Masses or Sacraments you seek, if you don’t help the poor then you’re damned; is ugly.

The Mass and Sacraments should never been posed against good works as if they are only both good together.  The Mass is always good and beneficial and lack of charity is never good.  Why this dichotomy?  Are we supposed to think that the Sacraments don’t work in our hearts and souls?  Where is your faith?

Next are we going to learn again how climate change is racist and hurts the poor, and how we’re going to Hell if we don’t think like Al Gore?  If Lazarus is lying full of sores in the street, you won’t get to Heaven giving him Obamacare.