Pro-religious freedom like the Apostles?

Pro-religious freedom like the Apostles?

At the Remnant Chris Jackson makes a logical yet counter-cultural point:

As reported:

Dozens of Christian protesters gathered in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday to denounce the unveiling of a bronze nine-foot, one-ton goat-headed statue of Satan called the Baphomet monument.

The statue was presented by the Satanic Temple, an organization “dedicated to Satanic practice and the promotion of Satanic rights,” at an undisclosed location in the city as a security measure. The Satanic Temple kept the site of the unveiling of the huge statue secret, e-mailing the information only to members of the group and others who were previously given tickets to witness the occasion, according to Raw Story.

Different Neo-Catholic commentators have decried this event, most notably Michael Voris of Yet these same Neo-Catholics fully support the “religious freedom” championed by Vatican II, and also support the ecumenical initiatives of the post-Conciliar popes. Vatican II’s Declaration on Religious Freedom, Dignitatis Humanae,states:

This Vatican Council declares that the human person has a right to religious freedom. This freedom means that all men are to be immune from coercion on the part of individuals or of social groups and of any human power, in such wise that no one is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his own beliefs, whether privately or publicly, whether alone or in association with others within due limits.

The council further declares that the right to religious freedom has its foundation in the very dignity of the human person as this dignity is known through the revealed word of God and by reason itself. This right of the human person to religious freedom is to be recognized in the constitutional law whereby society is governed and thus it is to become a civil right.

…the right to religious freedom has its foundation not in the subjective disposition of the person, but in his very nature. In consequence, the right to this immunity continues to exist even in those who do not live up to their obligation of seeking the truth and adhering to it and the exercise of this right is not to be impeded, provided that just public order be observed.

So why then aren’t the Neo-Catholics obeying Vatican II? Instead of protesting the Satanists, they should instead be celebrating their right to religious liberty! For Vatican II declares that Satanists have a right “to be immune from coercion on the part individuals, or of social groups, and of any human power” (including Neo-Catholic protestors) so that they are not forced to act in public a manner contrary to their own beliefs. Why instead are the Neo-Catholics trying to coerce these poor Satanists into repudiating their beliefs and shut down the public expression of their religion? As for a “just public order” being observed, the Satanists are breaking no civil laws, they are simply unveiling their satanic goat statue in private. The Satanists are not causing wars or riots. In fact, the only thing close to disrupting of the public order is the media event caused in large part by the protest of Neo-Catholics and Protestants.

Further, it was none other than Pope Benedict XVI who, in a December 2005 address given to the Roman Curia, stated:

The martyrs of the early Church died for their faith in that God who was revealed in Jesus Christ, and for this very reason they also died for freedom of conscience and the freedom to profess one’s own faith – a profession that no State can impose but which, instead, can only be claimed with God’s grace in freedom of conscience.

So why are the Neo-Catholics opposed to these Satanists professing their faith when the martyrs of the early Church died so that they may do so? Are they in opposition to Vatican II AND Pope Benedict? After all, seeing how zealously Neo-Catholics cite Pope Benedict’s side-note that the SSPX clergy possess “no legitimate ministry” as near infallible doctrine, you would think they would pay even more respect to this pontiff’s solemn expounding on the text of an Ecumenical Council.

It’s amazing that this very simple idea is so unpopular today.  I don’t think it’s true that the Apostles died for freedom of conscience.  They died because Jesus was the Messiah.  Their faith was THE faith.  It was the Jewish faith itself.   They didn’t say to themselves, “If I die then it will be good.”  They proclaimed the Gospel and someone else decided it would be good for them to die.  It’s good to be free to preach the true Gospel of Christ.  It’s not good to be free to teach lies about God.

Laws against heresy have been in force everywhere for all time except in the modern era.  If religious freedom was the cry of the Apostles, why did the Church support laws against heresy for two millennia? Where would Our Faith be today if they hadn’t?  If heresy had been put down, the English nobility would never have been able to steal the Faith from the people and raid the Churches.  To defend the Faith against men like Martin Luther is always to protect the innocent against the unjust.

If you don’t rule over the heretic, the heretic rules you because Evil also has its kingdom.  There’s no ‘gray area’ meadow of life in which to stroll and learn, plucking different flowers, dialoguing, sharing, and practicing gradualism.  Have you seen what happens to pro-life Democrats, and now pro-marriage Aussie leftists?  The enemy is lined up and in formation while we lie down and giggle, pretending this pleases God.

No. Religious freedom in effect just means the spread of heresy and that is more destructive than any other crime there can be.  Worship of Satan is a religion – an evil one, but in the end is it really much less evil than any religion outside the Church?  The Faith is a living unified whole, a person.  You can’t just break pieces off here and there.  You can’t defy the order of Heaven and still be part of it.  So where does that leave the heretic in the long run?  It leaves him in the same evil place as the Satanist.

Religious freedom is only good when it’s the freedom to worship the true God in His Church.  Other than that it’s just morbid.  Witness its proud fruit all around you and learn.

Further, in a 1985 address to the Leaders and Representatives of the Islamic and Hindu Communities in Kenya, Pope John Paul II stated:

The close bonds linking our respective religions – our worship of God and the spiritual values we hold in esteem – motivate us to become fraternal allies in service to the human family…

…We are all children of the same God, members of the great family of man. And our religions have a special role to fulfil in curbing these evils and in forging bonds of trust and fellowship. God’s will is that those who worship him, even if not united in the same worship, would nevertheless be united in brotherhood and in common service for the good of all.

Thus even the worship of the abstract Hindu notion of “God” found among multiple deities and strange pagan practices is considered by Vatican II and Pope John Paul II to be worshipping the true God.

So, couldn’t the same be said for those Satanists who consider Satan a deity? For, the Neo-Catholic argument goes, there is objectively only one true God. Therefore, all who believe in a Supreme Being and worship Him, are, objectively worshipping the one true God. Thus Satanists, even if they subjectively get a lot of things wrong about God, like the Muslims and Hindus, really worship the true God, whether they know it or not. Thus, in the words of Pope John Paul II, neo-catholics should “be united in brotherhood” with Satanists and “in common service for the good of all.”

So Vishnu is god. Allah is god, but not Satan?  Everything but Satan is god?  Do you think perhaps that the real God may take some issue with that extremely low standard and level of honor? Are we circling a drain here?




Man with a plan and a job to do

Man with a plan and a job to do

When Christendom began to fall in the north and the modern elites started to consolidate power, banking engulfed us, industries formed, and men became more and more debased and enslaved; what was once right and wrong became only Right and Left. The realities of good and bad didn’t change, just our understanding of them.

The terms ‘Right and Left’ were given to us during the French Revolution. (The most confusing terminology in our lost world has been handed to us by Leftists. When you bind the language you have control.)  Ronald Reagan corrected this orientation for us. ‘Right and left’ is misleading. Reagan said it’s really ‘up and down.’

It helps to consider that when the Son of Man is lifted up, He draws all men to Himself. In that case up points toward good. But when the cross is pulled down, as it is so often today, ‘up’ becomes Right.

After the Reformation, and deprived of the Holy Sacraments, the common mind darkened and the truth above became obscured by a cloud. All could see the ground below, but only the faithful Catholic could see blue sky through the cloud. What was before ‘holy or worldly’ had become either ‘conservative or liberal.’ One could still be worldly and follow the world the same way, but following the truth became more difficult and our collective knowledge of it weaker without the Church.

Today, as more and more truths are pushed out of the modern awareness, we have to look to the past to find them. So they call us old fashioned and conservative, but we just have a natural love of truth in a post-Christian empire.

People are right to say that conservative thinking is limited, but at least it’s pointed in the right direction: toward a society of truth that preceded our own. But liberalism is still nothing but worldliness and is always wrong in every age. Put simply: not everything old or traditional is good, but there’s nothing good about liberalism.

Why is worldliness bad, and why do the true saints warn against it? They know that we sheep can only follow either the Good Shepherd or the bad one. Our Lord has named the prince of this world and chasing him is the same business for all time. There is no real difference between philosophical or political liberalism and Christian liberalism. They are both faithless. Don’t be fooled. There are no aspects of liberalism worth pursuing. They only lead to sin and death.

When Christendom began to fall and the modern order to form, the old governments of kings and men deteriorated, becoming increasingly wordly. It didn’t happen everywhere at once. It was like a receding tide, with waves of truth rushing in less and less frequently. People think the other side of Christendom is some kind of free happiness of ordered reason and virtue. At the least it’s a return to paganism, right? But that’s just not true. The other side of Christendom is North Korea first, then Hell second.

Pope Francis

Pope Francis is everywhere promoting a new world order which is essentially communism in its contemporary face. He unleashes the formally corked, yet highly developed faux-Christian radicalism of liberation theology worldwide, even shamelessly embracing old-school communists as he strides the world like an Oscar winner. He uses Christ and His Church, but he is not one with it. He is a communist and that is heresy.

The Church has four marks: it’s one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. If you use these marks to discern what is or is not the Church, you’ll find it’s usually not where people say it is. Most ‘catholic’ people and institutions simply do not demonstrate most of these four marks.

Communism, which is the advanced end of Liberalism or worldliness, can also be discerned by four marks. These are lying, cheating, stealing, and killing. A communist society descends upon men in the name of ‘justice’ or ‘social justice,’ but it is in no way just.

Pope Francis accepted this week a gift from Evo Morales, a communist dictator, friend, and great admirer. It was a corpus nailed to a hammer and sickle, the classic sign of godless communist totalitarian states. Francis had just honored and prayed for Fr. Luis Espinal, the Jesuit creator of that abomination, at the site where he’d been murdered for his communist activism. FrancisChurch venerates and promotes the sainthood causes for many such men. He smiled, received the thing, and mumbled something conversational, which the entire conservative press then falsely reported as a rebuke so desperate were they to hide the bare truth. But this tiny lie, along with Francis’ other few and meager words against communism do not by any means make him not a communist. His entire papacy is a communist vehicle. In two years he can claim a mountain of destructive actions and statements. He is what the American socialist establishment likes to call ‘a transformational figure.’ In short, Francis demonstrates the four marks of communism quite well.

For one, Francis spreads lies.

Francis ascribes thoughts and motives to our Lord that only a fool would have. He makes Our Lady rash and witchy. He invokes the name of the Holy Spirit for the most twisted and faithless excuses. The Gospel is not about the poor and ‘marginalized.’ That would be an enormous misunderstanding of the deposit of faith, but it’s Francis’s, and he lies when he says it’s also the Church’s. In his words the Gospel makes no sense without the poor. We should ‘kneel before the poor in Church.’

Prior to every papal trip Francis asks for Our Lady’s prayers at her Church in Rome. Then he visits with a few homeless corralled in for him to touch. The realities of these two routines are inseparable for Francis. For him the Catholic faith is only about revolution, social revolution, a new economic order. It’s all lies.

His histrionic encyclical, Laudato Si’, is hundreds of pages worth of false science, cruel accusations, demagoguery, and destructive commands in the name of Christ.

Francis cheats.

He openly flouts the liturgical rubrics that bind the Mass and make it universal. It’s bad enough that he’s a vigorous promoter of the fabricated protestantized Mass we must endure and has contempt for the Ancient one; he also feels the need to give lawless example. It isn’t enough they’ve brazenly eliminated what no Pope had ever dared to suppress; these new rules must also be rejected in order to send a message of what? Chaos? Human Egotism?

A hallmark of the destructive Francis papacy is the misapplication of mercy, as if it were something he and his notorious gang of heretics had the right to fling everywhere in the name of God. Like a Baptist, he tells Bolivian prisoners he has been saved from his many sins. His October 2014 Synod was a farce and a stunt. Hyper-streamlined annulments are on his agenda and baptisms for gay ‘parents.’ He’s spurned the entire ancient saint-making apparatus completely, leaving no input for God or man.   He does not see the doctrines and moral truths so much as guides to follow, but rather as things to use and bend toward some sentimental, materialist, and utopian goal. Francis breaks rules. He cheats.

Francis preaches stealing.

Francis peppers every speech with calls for ‘just distribution of wealth,’ equality, and advocacy on behalf of the poor and the ‘oppressed.’ The miracle in the loaves and the fishes is the attitude of sharing. Holy Communion is about helping the least.

Francis says alms are obligatory. He says wealth distribution is not philanthropy but morally required. Who does Francis think he is that he can order people to give their own money away? If alms are legally obligatory, they are no longer alms. They are simply taken from you at gunpoint. This is what socialists call ‘social justice.’   None of their schemes are voluntary.

Every judge knows that administration of justice means inflicting pain on some perpetrator of a crime, but for Francis and his gang of fans worldwide, those who ‘possess’ unequally are criminals and taking from them is justice.

Francis helps and enables killing.

Francis is a political ally of the murderous Left: the UN population controllers, the Obama admin, the Castros and the dictators, the Palestinians. They inform his papacy and they praise him up and down because he promotes their inhuman agendas everywhere in the name of Christ’s Church. They count on him to bend the minds and hearts of Christians in favor of their goals and he performs. Using the Church, Francis normalizes cruel states like Cuba then betrays free and just places like Israel to ruthless enemies.

Francis has openly corrected the pro-life movement and the waved a white flag at the sexual agenda. He says some faithful things in the press but his FrancisBishops are all ‘social justice’ liberals who spin and capitulate. Among the hierarchy, the lavender mafia has never been more powerful and Francis’ Synod sacrilege moves steadily toward its goal.

Francis is a pacifist and an enemy of criminal justice. Without true justice, criminals kill and make war on the innocent. He calls arms makers un-Christian while relying upon them like anyone else. He stands on a rock in the Mediterranean and waves countless Muslims into Europe along with their murderous associates, then he attacks those who try and defend the Christian continent from the ruin that must necessarily come. As Pope, Francis is a friend and advocate for thugs and murderers around the world and no friend to the helpless, the weak, or the just.

Hard Questions

In closing, as a special request to members of the Catholic press who are keen to tell us Francis’ communism is just Catholic teaching, or that he’s being manipulated, or how Vatican II commands us to have a ‘preferential option for the poor,’ or that the Laudato Si’ manifesto is helpful and harmless since we can freely ignore its science and its specific recommendations yet somehow tease out its moral message for observance: please answer my questions:

  • Why did Francis ask Christ to make the impure, scandalous, or threatening become miraculously good at the Synod? What does he mean? Why is Fr. Lombardi sure he meant nothing specific?
  • Why do tinpot Marxist dictators feel comfortable handing communist faux-Christian abominations to Pope Francis? Why has he done little to combat this perception?
  • Why did the worldwide conservative media quickly publish the lie that the pope rejected the communist Hammer and Sickle Jesus as blasphemous, when he actually accepted it in a smiling and gracious way.
  • Why did Pope Francis pray and lay flowers at the murder site of the Jesuit who designed his new hammer/sickle crucifix? Why did he say, ‘He preached the Gospel, and this Gospel troubled them, so they eliminated him?’
  • Why does the ‘faithful ‘c’atholic press say ‘useful idiotic’ things such as, “Francis wasn’t endorsing Fr. Espinal’s communism, just his love?”
  • Why does Francis continue to collaborate with openly socialist groups like the World Mtg. of Popular Movements, openly calling for a ‘truly communitarian economy,’ and then telling us it would be of ‘Christian inspiration?’
  • Why does our Pope blast the ‘economic order’ and invent new ‘sacred rights’ to labor, lodging and land from others. Why does he share a podium with a man wearing a picture of mass-murderer, Che Guevara, on his jacket?
  • Why did Pope Francis say that taking people’s resources and redistributing them isn’t philanthropy. It’s morally required. Why does he tell the world he’s happy to see a communist dictator again?
  • Why does Pope Francis call leaders who stand for justice and truth by rejecting Marxist global warming schemes cowardly?
  • Why does Pope Francis preach his own Gospel, where the Holy Eucharist is supposed to cause us to reject individualism, and demand exchange, encounter and solidarity?
  • Why does the Vicar of Christ apologize for Christian Civilization and call it brutal. Why does he call capitalism the evil ‘dung of the Devil?’
  • Why are respected and faithful conservative Catholics so eager to ignore the enormous reality of a heretical Liberation Theology Pope, even going so far as to subtly sideline faithful Catholics who protest, and pounce upon any unreasonable rationale for his words or deeds.
  • Why does the pope order all Catholics to ‘kneel before God and implore forgiveness’ for the colonialist sins of their forefathers? Is it doctrine now that we must make silly apologies even to God for things we didn’t do, or for slurs anti-Catholics hurl at His Church?

Things are grim.  Let’s not pretend.  It’s no day to compromise nor to side with the enemy.    We must look at the Pope Francis situation squarely because the men behind him have no illusions about us.




I'm getting ready to say tell you something profound, and most importantly, from the heart

I’m getting ready to tell you something profound, and most importantly, from the heart.

Catholic Culture reports on the Pope’s video message to the John 17 ecumenical movement’s meeting in Phoenix over the weekend.

Pope Francis sent a video message to the Celebration of Christian Unity, an event that took place on May 23 at the Phoenix Convention Center.

The celebration was sponsored by the John 17 Movement, an organization founded by a Protestant pastor and whose leadership team includes a bishop, Catholic laymen, and evangelical Protestants.

“I will be with you spiritually and with all my heart,” the Pope said. “We will search together, we will pray together, for the grace of unity. The unity that is budding among us is that unity which begins under the seal of the one Baptism we have all received. It is the unity we are seeking along a common path. It is the spiritual unity of prayer for one another. It is the unity of our common labor on behalf of our brothers and sisters, and all those who believe in the sovereignty of Christ.”

Unity among Protestants and Catholics is not something worth seeking. It’s a ridiculous idea very common to our time.  What is there to unite?  Of course we can love each other.  Of course we can praise virtue and regret sin, but there is only unity in the Faith.  How will they ever see this if we keep acting like fools, giving false honor to their lies?

The Pope sounds as if unity with heretics is some high holy goal when in truth unity with heresy can only equal sin and death.  I wonder why there’s so much of both today!

Referring to Satan– “the Father of Lies, the Father of Discord,”– the Pontiff added:

feel like saying something that may sound controversial, or even heretical, perhaps. But there is someone who “knows” that, despite our differences, we are one. It is he who is persecuting us. It is he who is persecuting Christians today, he who is anointing us with (the blood of) martyrdom. He knows that Christians are disciples of Christ: that they are one, that they are brothers! He doesn’t care if they are Evangelicals, or Orthodox, Lutherans, Catholics or Apostolic…he doesn’t care! They are Christians. And that blood (of martyrdom) unites.

Today, dear brothers and sisters, we are living an “ecumenism of blood”. This must encourage us to do what we are doing today: to pray, to dialogue together, to shorten the distance between us, to strengthen our bonds of brotherhood.

If I were a sentimental Protestant, of which there are very few among the more faithful Baptists and Evangelicals, I might be swayed by this nonsense; but I don’t imagine I’d be moved enough to renounce my own heresies, give up my sins, and become Catholic.  That would require facing hard realities, not feel-good-ism. But that’s not what’s so striking about the Pope’s statement here.  It’s the fact that he thinks the Devil could care less whether people are Catholic or not.

To call blood shed at the hands of ISIS a sign of Christian unity is to make bloodthirsty Muslims our Christian touchstone is it not?  We all must die and even bleed, some of us at the hands of others. Many, please God, will call upon Christ or stand with Him at that moment; but does that make us united in Faith?  Of course not.

We can’t count on our bishops nor our Pope today to express what matters in terms of Heaven and Hell; but one thing for which we can be certain, the Devil does care about those things!  If it means Hell then he’s for it.  If it means Heaven, he’s against.  The Devil is hateful, angry and proud, but he is not blind to his own cause.

The Pope himself, in his own clumsy and self-revealing way, knows that this sounds like heresy.  He says as much but he doesn’t seem to care.  He is not here to condemn heresies.  He’s here to build and solidify the new FrancisChurch.  He’s on a mission, and he seems just as ready to spread destructive falsehoods about the Devil as he is about God Himself.