If this place isn't really Catholic then it must be mine.

If this place isn’t really Catholic then it must be mine.

Why are all the liberal leaders, the statist oppressors, and the tyrants singing the same Pope Francis tune?  Breitbart’s Charles Spiering reveals how Church enemy President Barack Obama made the most of the platform fake-Catholic Georgetown University gave him:

President Obama suggested that people of faith should focus more on helping the poor, instead of focusing on divisive issues such as gay marriage and abortion.

During a panel discussion on poverty at Georgetown University, Obama specifically referred to his own Christian faith, pointing out that he recognized the importance speaking out about the issue as president.

“I think it would be powerful for our faith-based organizations to speak out on this in a more forceful fashion,” he said, admitting that his wish might sound “self-interested” because he had disagreements with Christian and Catholic organizations about gay marriage and abortion.

Powerful for who?  The entire world is reporting today the complete collapse of mainline Christian Churches, of which the FrancisChurch is a whole-hearted conspirator.  This ‘powerfulness’ will only help Obama and his world partners.  That’s the essence of our current scandalous pontificate.

I love how he tosses in that ‘might sound self-interested.’  These world leaders are really picking up that humility schtick.

“There is great caring and great concern, but when it comes to what are you really going to the mat for, what’s the defining issue … this is often times viewed as a ‘nice to have’ relative to an issue like abortion,” Obama said.

He argued that churches should spend more time pursuing “powerful” ideas such as helping those in poverty in order to attract more followers.

“Nobody has shown that better than Pope Francis, who I think has been transformative just through the sincerity and insistence that this is vital to who we are, this is vital to following what Jesus Christ our Savior talked about.”

Wow, don’t forget your point man, Pope Francis – the ringer!  Have you ever heard a more complete and ‘transformative’ set of knock-off lines?  Why do all these politicians sound like they’re suppressing a giggle when they mention Jesus “Christ Our Savior?”  Satan couldn’t speak His name with more controlled contempt.

Obama added that he hoped that the American people received that message when Pope Francis visits the United States in September.

“I can’t wait to host him because I think it will help to spark an even broader conversation of the sort we are having today,” Obama concluded.

Don’t worry Obama. He’ll deliver the goods.  And as an added bonus the true faithful will disappear overnight in the awful FrancisEra.

Hello burgeoning ex-Christian constituency!





Jesus was poor but he wasn't a bum.

Jesus was poor but he wasn’t a bum.

At Vatican Radio:

Pope Francis said on Tuesday that poverty is the great teaching Jesus gave us and we can find his face among the poor and needy.

Does Our Lord teach ‘poverty?’  I know he teaches about poverty in spirit.  I know he exemplified a life of poverty – that great saints show us the ‘discipline’ of poverty, that they take vows of poverty.

Even if the Church did teach ‘poverty’ per say, as if it were a good, what does that have to do with Pope Francis here?  He’s telling us, I think, to love and honor poor people, people with little means for survival, people with few things.  He’s not telling us to be poor so much, as if it were some doctrine.  He wants us to focus effort on ‘the poor.’

I have been fairly poor at times; never without shelter, but broke.  I suppose the Pope would have wanted Catholics to focus on me back then?

Stressing that the poor are not a burden but a resource, he said he wished that both the city of Rome and the local Church community could be more attentive, caring and considerate towards those in need and that Christians could kneel before a poor person. The Pope’s words came during a video message which was broadcast at a charity theatre performance organised by Caritas Roma. 

St. Mary Magdalene knelt before our Lord.  St. Francis knelt before a wayward priest telling him, “These hands bring me Jesus.”  Kings have knelt before popes and knights have knelt before kings.  A man kneels before a woman to ask for her hand.

Poverty, he said, is the great teaching that Jesus gave us and he assured the performers that they are never a burden for us. Instead they represent a resource without which our attempts to discover the face of Jesus would be in vain.

If the poor are never a burden then what is Pope Francis asking us to do, use them?  I think he wants us to share their burdens, yes?

I bristle at calling people resources.  Every company has a ‘Human Resources’ department.  It’s an ugly arrogant term.  But for the Pope poor people are a resource without which we’d never be able to discover the ‘face of Jesus.’

Do you make many attempts to discover the face of Jesus?  I don’t.  I just hope I can see it in the end.  Is the Pope telling me I require ‘the poor’ somehow as a resource to get to Heaven?  Is he saying my Faith is no help without them?  He seems pretty clear.  No wonder he wants me to kneel down and worship homeless people who come into a Church.  They are my saviors!

He concluded his address by saying how much he wished that the city of Rome could shine with the light of its compassion and its welcome for those who are suffering, who are fleeing from war and death,  and respond with a smile to all those who have lost hope. Pope Francis said he wished for the same on the part of the Church community in Rome so that it may be more attentive, caring and considerate towards the poor and vulnerable and recognize in them the face of our Lord. How I wish, he said, that Christians could kneel in veneration when a poor person enters the church.

Do you, does anyone seriously think that Rome would shine if it was completely filled with Libyan boat people instead of the Catholics who have been there for thousands of years?  Wouldn’t it look more like a Libyan barge?  Is it the ‘light of compassion’ to wreck the heart of civilization, to kneel down before ‘poverty’ instead of our Lord at Mass?

Can you imagine what type of Mass Pope Francis would foist on us if he could equal Pope Paul’s ambitions?  What ‘venerations’ would be required of us then?

I know we’ll never rest in Abraham’s bosom if we are careless to poor Lazarus, but Lazarus is Lazarus and Jesus is Jesus.  Please Pope Francis stop mixing them up!