
Bishop Fellay is in the news this week because he’s met with Francis and continues to receive open arms and to be treated as part of the Church without the distance to which he’s grown accustomed.  People marvel at this from a Pope who is such a liberal.  What does swinging nuChurch Francis have to do with those stuffy, staunch, old-world separatists?

Despite the new warmth, the persistently honest leader of this virtuous group of priests has responded to the FrancisOutreach by telling him his massive exhortation brought him tears.  He said it’s like a beautiful sinking boat with a hole in the bottom dug by the Pope.  God bless the Bishop, and I agree about it being a ship with a hole in it, though I’ve read many snippets and none of them seemed beautiful.

Still, I’m afraid for Fellay as are others, and we have good reason.

The SSPX group rejects the Paul VI replacement Mass and the errors in Vatican II.  They do not support Benedict’s hermeneutic of continuity, seeing it as an impossible blanketing-over.  Are there unCatholic messages in Vatican II?  Yes there are.  That Council in the end presented some new ideas which contradicted Church teaching and tradition.  It was not convened to put forth new doctrine and no new doctrine was affirmed decisively by a Pope.  It was ‘pastoral’ only.  Nevertheless it has predictably spread much trouble because people take it as doctrine, especially liberals.  Benedict recognized the break.  He said we’re just reading things out of context and blamed the media.

This has been the SSPX case when pressed by Rome to return to full communion.  But now, in FrancisChurch, no problem!  Here’s why this is happening.

Pope’s JPII and Benedict were there at Vatican II and supported it, but they weren’t its drivers.  Those behind Vatican II ultimately were radicals, men who did not hold the Faith and were interested in disabling it, replacing it.  Francis is of the same mind as those men who made it necessary for the SSPX to take their stand.  He’s not a hermeneutic of continuity guy, Francis.  He’s all about rupture.

The SSPX leadership truly seems to think Francis is simply employing his method of openness, dialogue and boosting peripheries.  This is naive.  Liberals only tout those corrosive platitudes as strategy.  Radicals don’t dialogue with the Truth, only with evil and error.  Faithful Catholics will always be a periphery to liberals, the more peripheral the better.  Francis has no interest in promoting the growth and reception of the SSPX, so what does he want?  There are two things.

Satan can create nothing.  He doesn’t have ultimate power over things. He can only find ‘hope’ in destruction.  In a sense he’s a parasite because he needs a host, a victim.  In the same way liberals would be powerless if they couldn’t hitch their wagons to good things that decent people have built.  They have to occupy and corrupt under the pretense of stewardship and good will.  They have to become judges, professors, actors, and scientists.  This is what they’ve done to our Church.

Today we have Francis, a man without Faith.  He is completely in line with the philosophical school behind the sixties program that skewered the Church.  Now he’s arrived to institutionalize the leftist replacement.  The irony is, however, that if he can’t convince people that he’s Catholic, he’ll lose his leverage.  He has to maintain the facade so that Catholics follow his deadly leadership.  He, more than John Paul or Benedict, knows he needs the SSPX.

Just like the LA Times understands Amoris Laetitia better than Ignatius Press, Francis knows that the SSPX is Catholic more than John Paul and Benedict did.  Winners have an awareness and respect for their opponents. He recognizes them as the sort of people they eliminated fifty years ago.  He knows their beliefs have an ancient power, that they grow if not checked.   Nevertheless Francis needs them desperately to come and make him seem Catholic, to legitimize him with their ‘union.’

That is the first reason.  The second reason, of course, is that he wants to ruin them.  Ruin is what happens when you ‘unite’ with a predator.  He can’t install his FrancisChurch with them around shining their light on it.  The SSPX must be integrated, then hollowed out.

How is Francis the liaison to broker this union?  A Protestant is entirely incapable of performing any of the functions a pope must perform.  Is this not true?  Does it matter that he’s extended his approval for SSPX to hear Confessions when he’s also recommended absolving a silent penitent just for showing up?  Do you think Oscar Romero was saintly?  Was Paul VI blessed?  Why for God’s sake?  How low are we going to go in our criteria?  We’re mass-producing.  Before you know it Heaven will have this sprawling encampment full of FrancisSaints.  Would you bet your soul on a new FrancisAnnulment?

What will they do someday with the thousand pages of formal FrancisTeaching and those plane interviews?  What will they say about the Catholic defenders and excusers when they’re dead?  What will Francis have to do before some of you admit he’s not Catholic?  Show me the line.

I hear so much about embracing the true pope, receiving his teachings with profound respect, and the work of the Holy Spirit.  This is all cowardly and presumptuous.  Deal with it!  We have a heretic in the papacy and, in the absence of anyone exercising their faithful duty to condemn him for it or remove him, he will go on wrecking the Church and doing everything to kill it.

And it won’t take long.  This isn’t like General Motors.  Francis isn’t a wrong-headed CEO making K-cars or PT Cruisers.  In the Church you either build up or destroy, you gather or scatter.

Like Luther, Pope Francis he has a revolutionary determination to overturn the Church, so faithful Catholics are necessarily his enemies.  Not only does his latest Exhortation teach lethal heresy without apology in the name of the Holy Spirit,

“I understand those who prefer a more rigorous pastoral care which leaves no room for confusion. But I sincerely believe that Jesus wants a Church attentive to the goodness which the Holy Spirit sows in the midst of human weakness…”

but he constantly attacks actual Catholics, the people united to Christ in Faith with hope of Heaven.  We are always the Pharisees in FrancisChurch.  Always, and even Judas is better.

You see, Judas tried to give back that dirty money.  He was seeking mercy and those Pharisees didn’t have any for him so he committed suicide.  While there’s no Hell because God is always merciful and forgives everyone everything all the time, Judas could still have had many more productive years creating a workers’ utopia in Christ’s name.  He was good with money, held the communal money bag, and distributed according to need.  Turning the Church on it’s head by presenting Judas as more Christian than faithful Catholics is Satan’s work, and it fits nicely into the Liberation Theology program, where Communism is just stealing the flag of Catholicism.

FrancisChurch is real, yet only a shadow.  It’s full of real souls being lost.  It’s a shadow because it hides.  The Magisterium could be boxed and bricked into a wall without a soul knowing what it says and it would still be ‘unchanged.’  What difference would that make?  That’s what you do with corpses.  Satan wanted Jesus dead with his hands pinned back so he couldn’t clasp them in prayer.  Judas made it happen.  What does FrancisChurch want for you, faithful Christian?

I just came back from morning Mass.  The combined physical energy of the seventy or so people praying would not match that of one young couple.  The priest had great difficulty keeping his place through the Canon.

Chris Ferrara writes of Amoris Laetitia:

What we have here is a massive new addition to The Great Façade of non-binding ecclesial novelties, not one of which was ever seen in the Church before that great epoch of enlightenment known as the Sixties. The trick, you see, is to promulgate the latest novelty and let people think it binds the Church; and then, even though it really doesn’t, it does. Pay no attention to the truth behind the façade!

How does it happen that a Pope teaches open heresy and every single voice either approves or dismisses it?

Money.  People will say anything for money and the position it provides.  It’s not that money is bad, it’s just that money is power and it rules.  The Church has existed at the pleasure of men who hate it for quite some time now, and they have their dreams.  At Catholic World Report seventeen learned people worked very hard to respond to the Amoris Laetitia Exhortation in a manner that would touch upon the truth then massage it all away.  You can read what they say here if you like.  It’s free, to you.

Angels are brilliant and powerful, as are demons.  You can’t just go along living somewhere distant from Christ and expect to skirt Satan’s plan.  He is a higher being than you, something like you are to a dog.  There are only two faiths, two churches in life.  Despite the fact that Francis tells us there is no Catholic God, our Church is Christ’s.  Those who remain outside His Church, in the fullness of time, must belong to Satan’s kingdom.

If our visible Church today, as Ferrara describes, is really two Churches, one false and one true, then who’s behind the false one?  If our Pope is not part of the actual Catholic Church because he does not believe it, then whose pope is he and whose church does he build?

Be very careful where you place your honor and level your contempt.





Cardinal Burke is re-emerging this evening in his entirely clear, gentle commanding way.  In another moment his statement might have hit the press like a rocket.  Today I expect it will quickly evaporate.

Burke says that Francis’ exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, hailed worldwide as a NuChurch tolerance for all sorts of sexual sins, is personal, not magisterial; requiring our ‘respect’ but not in any way our belief.  In a very hermeneutic-of-continuity way, we are to ‘apply’ the perennial teaching and discipline of the Church to those 260 pages of effeminate blather and derive the greatest “Joy of Love” benefits.

Just how we are supposed to respect the weapons of such a Lutherian obstacle to salvation I have no guess.  Respecting the papal office just makes one respect Francis less.

Am I comforted by the beloved cardinal?  A bit.  Does it matter?  Yes, because it means I’ll fall in line perhaps.  If the brilliant and faithful Burke says all’s well, then I can go on enduring FrancisPapacy and wait…until what?  Until everyone’s dead and in Hell?  Who will they put up at the next conclave, the Holy Spirit Himself?  How many years of collapse must the planet suffer?

Perhaps they’ll make Abp. Victor Manuel Fernandez Pope in 2022.

Why do I feel like George W. just came out of retirement to placate the jumpy?  Where is the Reagan among these Romneys and Obamas?  When will there be a real Catholic regime again in Rome, not some pacifying placeholders handing us false hope?

John XXIII was a radical formerly put down for heterodoxy, full of destructive, arrogant and liberal ideas.  “The Church is not a museum?”  Who said it was?  I’m sure it was some non-Catholic whom the ‘good pope’ had a great desire to please and impress.  Paul VI is responsible for one of the most audacious and nefarious acts in the history of mankind: the suppression of the Ancient Mass on behalf of ‘the peoples.’

Why honor and tolerate awful popes?  Why continue to gape at this disabled and dysfunctional Church, and wait in the desert for the rivers of life to flow once again while all around us is death?

After Paul, ‘the sad one,’ we had thirty years of holding pattern while we choked for oxygen and the world spiraled; then kaboom!  The One, destined to come and save us from the Left’s BadMediaChurch, materialized with his healing powers.  Bombs left and right now wreck the Church, but all the Catholic hierarchy can muster is paid-for FrancisHomage,’ some tiny bit of correction, and words.  Francis doesn’t even pretend to be Catholic ever, but all we seem to do is yell at each other about it and cry out in shock.

In the past, the faithful knew that the Church could only wither with an enemy at the helm. It was a problem more than once.

In the economy of Christ’s grace how can we achieve anything with this level of ‘effort,’ begging proud sinners to overlook the laws of God while we feed them faith-crushing showtune Masses and lie to them about their souls?

In the end Jesus isn’t going to jump up and down about ‘doctrine’ either, like some rhetorical FrancisPharisee.  He’s going to judge us for the poor souls we’ve lost enabling this satanic protracted program of stupid.