Liberalism is the religion of the world and the Prince of this World is Satan.  If you only vote Republican because a candidate claims to be against abortion, then you need to ask yourself, “Am I actually a faithful Christian?”  There are never any reasons to vote for a liberal ever.  There isn’t even a Republican candidate standing who won’t buckle and fold to the world and it’s religion anyway, even Cruz, but if you think Bernie Sanders ever has a point, then you’re no Christian.

If you see any truth in the sickening and slippery words of these American lady-bishops then you’re just picturing things.  Their faith is as thin as their silly outfits.  Somehow when Bishop Sheen dressed like that he seemed to appreciate it.  These guys look like they picked theirs up at the Halloween store.  Effeminate globalist state-agents have no business wearing bishops’ dresses.  They are pretenders who hate the true Church because they shepherd for it’s enemies.  Liberals always see complexity because they think it makes them smart, but nothing true is complicated.  A real bishop is a simple thing.

Can you be a faithful Catholic and advocate for women in combat?  You’d have to hate your own country to do such a thing, but Marco Rubio can’t say a word against it.  Is that pro-life?  Communists have been strapping guns on women for years.  If you have to fight and die alongside a woman then you’ve got nothing to fight for.  You’re just fodder in someone else’s game.  You’re killing and dying for an evil cause.

My wife teaches middle school.  She told me that next week is ‘fight week’.  She said the kids are all lining up into gangs and acting like dogs who can’t walk on a leash.  I asked her if it was the kids from the ghetto.  She said, “No, it’s all the Spanish kids.  There’s suddenly so many of them now that they just do what they did back in South America.  I wouldn’t send a kid to my school any more.”

Thank you Bishops.  Our local school is wrecked.   It’s OK because Jesus, right?

If you are one of those who agonize over Francis because you used to be faithful but now you’re confused, don’t.  There is a point to Francis.  Francis is there to herd the world into the Devil’s trough, in other words, to put liberals in power and help them with their goals.  I’ve been waiting for formerly Catholic sources to start openly pushing for liberals in the election.  Francis set the table and now it’s time to pay the piper.  Step one was to demonize faithful Catholics who resist the Francis.  Now we’re ‘trads,’ ‘conservatives,’ and anti-Catholic haters when three years ago we were just one of them.

Step two is the vote.  See here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.







By Elizabeth Yore

francis before congress

Former Senator George Mitchell famously said that,“God does not take sides in politics.” Mitchell’s observation might be about to change in the upcoming 2016 election.

The highest ranking Catholic in government, Vice President Joe Biden is rumored to be considering a presidential run. The timing of his announcement is reportedly in late September. With the critical 25% swing Catholic vote at play in this election, Biden may find a powerful, and surprising ally in his presidential bid. As they say, politics make strange bedfellows, and this upcoming fall, Biden will have a powerful compadre in his presidential election bid: a non-American, dressed in white, speaking Spanish, none other than, Pope Francis.

This week Biden told AP that “Pope Francis has breathed new life into what I believe is the central mission of our faith: Catholic social doctrine,” Biden added that Francis “has become a moral rudder for the world on some of the most important issues of our time, from inequality to climate change.” Translation for the upcoming political campaign: Pope Francis has breathed new life into what I believe is the central mission of my life, the Presidency of the United States. Pope Francis has became a moral rudder for the most important issues of the Democratic Party from inequality to climate change.

In late September, Pope Francis will visit the United States with appearances at the White House, a Joint Session of Congress, the United Nations and the Philadelphia World Meeting of Families.

In the two short years of his overtly political papacy, Francis assumed the role of an ad hoc Secretary of State. The Vatican and Obama administration closely collaborated on a key foreign and domestic issues. The political Pope covertly initiated and negotiated detente with Communist Cuba through back door Vatican diplomatic channels. These papal secret maneuvers allowed the Obama administration to open an embassy in Cuba, despite opposition from the Miami Cuban refugee community, who view the Pope as a willing pawn in the Obama dealmaking with violent dictators. The Pope will visit Cuba before his U.S. visit for a victory lap with the Castro brother dictators.

Following the Cuba concession, Pope Francis and Obama continued their foreign policy foray with the Iran nuclear deal. Pope Francis gave his papal blessing to the Iran nuclear deal before the details were even dry on the page or publicly revealed by announcing that “in hope we entrust to the merciful Lord the framework recently agreed to in Lausanne, that it may be a definitive step toward a more secure and fraternal world.” Surely, the U.S. Congress will hear this papal blessing invoking God to support the Iran deal, with the congressional Iran vote looming in the near future.

On the domestic front, the unholy alliance between the Vatican and the Obama Administration runs deep. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy met with Vatican officials to coordinate the new and onerous EPA environmental regulations with the Pope’s environmental encyclical. McCarthy asserted that the Obama Administration and the Vatican are “deeply aligned on climate change.” Laudato Si reiterated Al Gore’s apocalyptic phony warnings of global warming and climate change-all elevated to moral tenets, which not surprisingly, are deeply ensconced in the democratic party platform.

Undoubtedly, in his UN keynote address, Pope Francis will urge the passage of the UN Sustainable Development Goals which, among other initiatives, promotes global access to abortion, a key diplomatic directive of the Obama Administration, one which aligns with Joe Biden who enjoys a 100% rating from pro abortion group NARAL in 4 of the last 5 years.

The political advantage for the democratic party that co-opts the papal agenda, as its own, and wraps itself in the popularity of the Pope, coupled with a Catholic presidential nominee, bodes political disaster for the Republicans in 2016. According to Pew Research, one-quarter of 2012 voters were Catholics. They continue to swing between the democratic and republican parties, depending on the nominee. Not since John Kennedy, have voters had the option to vote for a Catholic presidential candidate.

The Catholic vote will determine the next President of the United States. Pope Francis, as the leader of the Catholic Church, is popular with the secular mainstream media which supports and feverishly protects the Democratic Party. September will bring wall-to-wall coverage of the Pope Fest, as he embraces the Obama/Biden administration, and its EPA, and the United Nations. Then followed by the Biden presidential announcement. Timing is everything in politics.

Be prepared for Joe Biden to shadow the Pope throughout his visit. As President of the Senate, Vice President Joe Biden will be seated directly behind Pope Francis at the podium, when the Pope addresses to the Joint Session of Congress on September 24th. Picture Joe Biden repeatedly jumping to his feet and leading the cheers when Pope Francis urges open borders for immigrants, decarbonization, the evils of fossil fuels, and the approval of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Watch as the cameras focus on VP Biden’s pearly white grin when the Pope demands that the U.S. Government spend more taxpayer money on the poor and renewable energy, like windmills and those important Solyndra solar panels for the sake of global warming! The media will ensure that the huge viewing public will understand that Joe Biden shares the values of Pope Francis. What a subliminal endorsement!

Rest assured, that Biden will be featured prominently at the White House papal meet and greet, when President Obama caucuses with the Pope on September 23rd. After all, President Obama has recently anointed Biden, as his successor with the glowing endorsement that Joe Biden was “the smartest political decision he ever made and he will mount a successful campaign.”

Look for Joe Biden to attend the Papal keynote address at the September 25th UN General Assembly, and nod approval as the Pope exhorts the passage of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the ratification of the December Paris Climate Treaty. Both initiatives are supported by the Obama Administration and Democrats, and will tax and fine Americans into poverty and finally achieve ‘hope and change’ in the form of redistribution of American wealth and prosperity.

Imagine the 2016 political TV ads! Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden huddled with and embracing the most powerful moral leader of the world, Pope Francis. Now those are some political coat tails.

Too bad the Pope can’t vote for Joe Biden, they share so many common values. But perhaps, he can. If Pope Francis crosses over from the Mexican border into the U.S., he just might be able to vote for a Joe Biden/Elizabeth Warren ticket.



Elizabeth Yore is an Attorney and International Child Rights Advocate. She served as a member of the Heartland Institute delegation to protest the Vatican exclusion of all scientific opinions and its reliance on population control experts. She served as Oprah Winfrey’s Special Counsel at Harpo, Inc. until 2012.   She was the General Counsel of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services.

A certain type of shepherd

A certain type of shepherd

At Catholic Vote Carson Holloway speculates:

I was about to say that people are eagerly anticipating Pope Francis’s encyclical on the environment, but maybe they are no longer needing to anticipate: According to this news report the encyclical has been leaked to an Italian newspaper.

It is interesting to think about who would leak it and why.  The Vatican condemned the leak and noted that the leaked version is not the final version.  Maybe there are things in the leaked draft that are not going to be in the final version, but that the leaker wants to put “out there,” so to speak, as having the apparent  (although not the genuine, official) support of the pope.  But this is the kind of thing about which somebody on the outside (like most of us) can only speculate.

It is also interesting to see how the news coverage leading up to the encyclical betrays–as usual–considerable misunderstanding of Catholicism by the news media.  There is an article on the Breitbart website that says that the “political left is hoping for a document that ties belief in global warming to a religious obligation.”  To be fair to the political left, the Breitbart article does not name any leftist who has openly expressed this hope.  But even if this is a total misapprehension on Breitbart’s part, it is interesting that the Breitbart writer could make a claim like this.

It isn’t necessary to cite an example of leftist writers hoping for the Pope to tie global warming to a religious obligation.  That is exactly what Laudato Sii is all about, and there isn’t one voice in the mainstream press who doesn’t see it.

Such a claim seems to show a very limited understanding of Catholicism and the nature of the pope’s teaching authority.  The standard formulation holds that the Church has a teaching authority in relation to faith and morals.  But global warming does not pertain to faith or morals.  I don’t mean to say that there are no moral obligations in relation to global warming.  If it is happening, and if it is caused by human beings, and if something can be done to stop it, then there might be a moral obligation to takes steps to stop it.  But only “might,” because such an obligation would depend on the consequences of those steps.

It’s not unfair to expect non-Catholics to assume that the Pope’s words on Global Warming have some moral and religious weight.  That’s because historically his words did.  To most of the post-Christian world the Catholic religion is just years of papolatry, so they are expecting ‘the faithful’ to simply fall in step.

In fact you will be hard-pressed to find even knowledgeable Catholics who would agree that the Pope has zero authority to preach worldwide emergency response to apocalyptic global warming propaganda.   Instead, most writers will fall over themselves to find some justifiable interpretation for the Pope’s outrageous ideas.

The one who really should understand his own moral jurisdiction, and yet does not, is Pope Francis.  Western society is entirely unprepared for such a ruthless, materialistic, and un-Catholic sounding Pope.

Whether global warming is happening or not is an empirical, scientific question, which is not the sort of question over which the pope has the authority to settle.  You would think that the left would appreciate this, since they have complained in other contexts of the Church trying to insert itself into science.

This writer seems to forget that the Leftist machine doesn’t operate on consistent intellectual truths.  It is about power and winning.

I am not, by the way, saying that the pope has no business speaking about global warming (as some Republican politicians have said recently).  If the pope really thinks global warming is happening and is being caused by human beings, and if he really thinks it can be stopped, then he might have an obligation to issue a warning and a call to action.  But this call would not be an act of teaching authority, it seems to me, but a kind of grave pastoral and political advice.  Every Catholic would be bound to listen respectfully to this, but would not, I think, be bound to agree with it.

There are so many ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ in this article!

I’ve heard this ‘listen respectfully’ phrase quite a bit these days.  Aren’t we bound to listen to anyone respectfully…unless of course they have left us with little to respect about themselves or their words?

It is hard to see how belief in global warming could be linked to a “religious obligation” in the way the Breitbart article suggests.

Well, that’s the whole point: to make Catholics, of whom the vast majority have been convinced by the media to abandon the teachings of the Faith and line up their souls for Hell, believe yet another lie.  Why should it be so hard this time?  Pope Francis has the entire West behind him.

Heresy drives the Francis pontificate. By their fruits you shall know them.  The question is, how long will we continue to act like these schemes belong to our Faith and our Church?