
Doctor of FrancisChurch

At the National Catholic Reporter fighting Global Warming is as Catholic as Catholic gets.  Here are some segments:

The call to stewardship of creation, for Catholic and Judeo-Christians alike, extends from our most recent popes and goes all the way back to Genesis and the story of Noah.

Global warming caused that flood too!

In his teachings, Jesus often spoke of God as father of all, creator and caretaker, and especially householder “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?” he said in John’s Gospel.

Jesus described God as one who cares for the birds in the field as well as each strand upon our heads. He himself healed and advocated for the vulnerable and those who had been left out, seen as wrong, in debt, unable to speak for themselves or who lacked advocates in the system of their time.

That’s about the most tired and politically correct biblical exegesis I’ve ever heard!

St. Ambrose, the 4th century bishop of Milan, remarked that God cares about all creation, that “the mystery of the Incarnation of God is the salvation of the whole of Creation.”

So save the planet!

“Unless we are able to view things in terms of how they originate, how they are to return to their end, and how God shines forth in them, we will not be able to understand,” Bonaventure said.

So believe in junk science?

Aquinas went on to say, as Christians and sinners, we recognize that sin “has distorted the human relationship with the natural world: We have disturbed the balance of nature in radical and violent ways. Sin damages our relationship with God and with one another, the relationships between social groups, and that between humanity and earth.”

A quick review of history shows times when humanity has gotten off-track from its valuing of creation. The Industrial Revolution brought with it many goods and allowed for the formation of modern civilization. At the same time, it brought pollution of the air and water sources, and is viewed as a trigger to climate change.

Sin distorted the balance of nature and sinful people caused the industrial revolution, therefore sin caused global warming?  Atone!

A couple hundred years earlier, in the 15th century, papal edicts forming the Doctrine of Discovery authorized European Christian nations to “invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens [Muslims] and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed … to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery,” and to seize their possessions and property. This mentality, embedded in the European worldview and the legal codes of the lands they colonized, gave justification for denying indigenous peoples their rights, as well as respecting the rights of the land itself.

Do you believe that?  It sounds like a group of papal edicts may have morphed a bit during their grouping and then a few relevant things fell out.

John Paul noted in his 1990 World Day of Peace message that “there is a growing awareness that world peace is threatened not only by the arms race, regional conflicts and continued injustices among peoples and nations, but also by a lack of due respect for nature, by the plundering of natural resources and by a progressive decline in the quality of life… Faced with the widespread destruction of the environment, people everywhere are coming to understand that we cannot continue to use the goods of the earth as we have in the past.”

He continued: “The gradual depletion of the ozone layer and the related ‘greenhouse effect’ has now reached crisis proportions as a consequence of industrial growth, massive urban concentrations and vastly increased energy needs… The ecological crisis reveals the urgent moral need for a new solidarity.”

A perfect example of the limits of papal wisdom and jurisdiction.  Whatever happened to that ozone hole anyway?

Climate change is addressed specifically in the Vatican’s Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church (paragraph 470), which says the relationship between human activity and global warming must be constantly monitored, for “The climate is a good that must be protected.”

I’m not sure how much Catholics need to pay attention to this lengthy production from the Council for Justice and Peace, but the paragraph actually says this:

Programs of economic development must carefully consider “the need to respect the integrity and the cycles of nature” [989] because natural resources are limited and some are not renewable. The present rhythm of exploitation is seriously compromising the availability of some natural resources for both the present and the future.[990] Solutions to the ecological problem require that economic activity respect the environment to a greater degree, reconciling the needs of economic development with those of environmental protection. Every economic activity making use of natural resources must also be concerned with safeguarding the environment and should foresee the costs involved, which are “an essential element of the actual cost of economic activity”.[991] In this context, one considers relations between human activity and climate change which, given their extreme complexity, must be opportunely and constantly monitored at the scientific, political and juridical, national and international levels. The climate is a good that must be protected and reminds consumers and those engaged in industrial activity to develop a greater sense of responsibility for their behaviour.

I don’t see the term ‘global warming’ anywhere.  I just see the warning to monitor the complex climate to ensure it is protected.  It doesn’t say partner with the UN to lie and agitate about impending climate doom for selfish, nefarious, and anti-Christian purposes.

There’s nothing Catholic about that and I’m sure Noah would be against it.









Apostle of FrancisChurch

Apostle of FrancisChurch

It makes perfect sense, now that FrancisChurch has morphed the Catholic Faith into a UN vehicle, that her princes would sound exactly like cheap Democrat Party hacks and nothing like Christians.

The Vatican has interested itself in global warming, going so far as to stage an invitation-only exhibition on the matter, and to release through the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences the curious document “Climate Change and The Common Good.” The document’s main author is the Chancellor of the Academies, Archbishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo.

His Excellency was criticized by many for the low-quality, error-laden science in this document, but he received the most heat for buddying up to abortion and “population control” enthusiasts like UN boss Ban Ki-moon and economist Jeffrey Sachs.

Evidently, these critiques stung. The Archbishop returned fire, accusing his detractors of acting on the orders of a cabal dedicated to destroying Science — a charge which found sympathetic ears. But he couldn’t quite escape the scandal caused by his purposely associating with, and giving political cover to, abortion and contraception advocates. More explanation was called for, so he gave it.

In an interview with Stefano Gennarini, Sánchez shot back with an odd claim he has made many times, that the “climate crisis leads to poverty and poverty leads to new forms of slavery and forced migration, and drugs, and all this can also lead to abortion.” Elsewhere, he included prostitution and “organ trafficking” as other results of global warming.

By any reckoning, this is an impressive list of evils. Yet what’s missing from his Excellency’s statements is any explanation of how exactly the slight increase in clement winter afternoons has caused abortion, prostitution and other grave human evils to increase.

I thought the Catholic Faith was about avoiding guilt by keeping from sin, not about exponentially multiplying extenuating circumstances until you have an excuse the size of Planet Earth.

Did the fraction of a degree uptick in temperature late last century make men more amorous? Perhaps the dearth of hurricanes and tornadoes  — the “climate crisis” has pushed these way down  — induced men to seek other excitement in their lives. Or again, maybe the minuscule accumulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide has shouldered aside oxygen, depriving our brains and lessening our capacity to reason.

“These are serious matters!” the objection will run. And so they are. But mentioning something serious doesn’t make you a serious person. There must be more than moral dudgeon backing a claim as … grandiose as Sánchez’s, namely that global warming causes abortion. There must be evidence. Is there? The answer depends on how reliable global warming theory is.

Not exactly.  If if there were such a thing as global warming it would still have nothing to do with abortion, all this new slavery everyone’s talking about, or drugs.

Many have fallen prey to the unscientific belief that predictions of doom are proof the predictions are right, and that therefore the theory which generated the predictions must be correct. Otherwise intelligent people commit these blunders because of fear, or because they are in the grip of environmentalist ideology, or, in the worst cases, because it is politically convenient.

The predictions of doom have been consistent: temperature is promised to soar ever upwards. The theory is that small boosts in carbon dioxide (compared to the atmosphere as a whole), by way of feedback mechanisms too complicated to explain here, are responsible for the rise. The predictions are consistent, all right. Consistently poor. No, worse than poor. Rotten. For nearly two decades, climate models have predicted rising temperatures, but the reality has been that there is no such increase.

Since the climate is demonstrably not changing in the direction or rate predicted, how could this non-event be increasing the incidence of abortion, organ harvesting and slavery?

Let me pose another question. Which is more likely to lead to more abortions:

(A) Global warming, through a twisting, fanciful chain of causality, which anyway hasn’t even happened yet, or

(B) The bolstering of the rich, influential, abortion- and contraception-friendly United Nations and radical NGOs, who can now claim to enjoy “Vatican support”?

Can this assessment be repeated often enough?  Handing power to the Leftist enemies of the Faith is always wrong and never the business of churchmen.

It is, or used to be, a fundamental principle of science that a theory was proved false when predictions made based on the theory were a bust. Even Einstein had to wait for Arthur Eddington to verify relativity’s predictions before scientists wholly backed the theory.

Sánchez was asked about this principle: “What do you answer to so called ‘climate skeptics’ who point to the lack of change in temperatures in the past 18 years and the difficulty in finding any definite correlation between human activity and large scale climate changes?”

His response was revealing: “I hope you are not [a skeptic] because then we would discover the true reason for these false accusations against us!”

Sánchez went on to hurl some false accusations of his own. He said climate change skeptics were all either members of the Tea Party or people with “incomes derived from oil.” Because, well, that would prove that everything they’re saying is false, wouldn’t it? Thank heavens no scientists who assert that man-made climate change is a crisis receive any income for their work, or support from billion-dollar foundations.

Archbishop Sánchez is keen on sustainability, which many take as a code word for population control. On this issue, he said that his Sustainable Development Goals didn’t “even mention abortion or population control. They speak of access to family planning and sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.”

Everybody, even his Excellency, knows what such words are: dull euphemisms for population control and abortion. This is why he tried to deflect the moral implications of including these terms in Church documents by saying, “Some may even interpret [these terms] as Paul VI, in terms of responsible paternity and maternity.” If there is a polite, ecclesiastical way of saying “balderdash,” this is the place for it.

The Archbishop said that we “can rest assured that the two academies of which I am chancellor are against abortion and against population control simply because we follow the Magisterium of the Popes, on which we directly depend.” Okay, let’s accept that. Yet it is also true that Sánchez’s actions have lent political, cultural, and religious support to organizations which push, and push heavily, population control and the systematic killing of the unborn. They now can claim Vatican support for their agendas.

The Archbishop sought these worldly connections to give weight and prominence to his political programs. He ought to at least consider what is obvious to the rest of us: that his actions will foster the very evils he hopes to eliminate.

For years they’ve been telling faithful Catholics that our Church was not about politics, that it was something ‘above’ politics, and that politics was just a matter of ‘prudential judgment’ about which we could faithfully disagree.  That was always a lie, a way to disarm the reasonable objections and efforts to defend the Faith in our world. It ensured Catholics remained impotent while its adversaries destroyed the Church from within and without.

Now they’ve achieved their goal.  The visible Church has become nothing more than a venue for socialist politicking, where hard-eyed grinning Nancy Pelosi’s in purple hurl ridiculous insults at the faithful just for presenting facts along with their helpless pleas for mercy.






I'm startled and thrilled to the marrow of my bones by the clarity of this moral force.

I’m startled and thrilled to the marrow of my bones by the clarity of the Pope’s moral force.

At Climate Depot, Marc Morano brings up the tragic and relentless figure of Al Gore, yet another frightening admirer of the Vicar of Christ today.

Al Gore announced on April 29, 2015 that Pope Francis’s global warming advocacy could turn the former Vice President into a Catholic. Gore was speaking during the Dean’s Speaker Series at the University of California Berkeley.

Partial transcript of Gore’s remarks: ” I think Pope Francis is quite an inspiring figure really. A phenomena. I’ve been startled with the clarity of the moral force that he embodies. He kind of raises in a new context the old question: “Is the Pope Catholic?” (laughter)

“That’s a joke by the way.

They say every joke has some truth to it.  This one has too much for laughs.  Let’s unpack.

Pope Francis is inspiring: He is stirring my spirit, affecting me spiritually.

He is a phenomena: He has a supernatural quality which can’t be named or explained through science.

“I’ve been startled with the clarity of the moral force that he embodies.”: This is excellent liberal-speak.  On it’s face it is meaningless babble but it is stated for it’s intended effects.

Like St. Paul on his horse my high liberal intellect was struck and shocked somehow by Pope Francis.  We know that the Church is not only a source of moral laws, but a force which we have always attacked, and nothing more than a succession of popes wielding influence.  Pope Francis embodies that moral force since he is now the Church itself, only this time the force is clear and reasonable not murky and confused, and everyone can follow it.

“Well I’ve said publicly in the last year, I was raised in the Southern Baptist tradition, I could become a Catholic because of this Pope. He is that inspiring to me. And I know the vast majority of my Catholic friends are just thrilled to the marrow of their bones that he is providing this kind of spiritual leadership.”

So Francis embodies such a startling, thrilling NewChurch that even Al Gore is ready to join up. If we can get him, imagine what kinds of converts we can dredge up!  Keep watching those numbers.

Al Gore is no more a Catholic than he was a Baptist.  They don’t need him either, but he’d make a great bishop these days.