From the moment he walked out on the balcony, the FrancisEffect has been an enormous barrage of airy hype, nothing like the solid reality of Christ and His universe.

NC Reporter’s Robert Mickens writes:

Pope Francis is no longer drawing the massive crowds that were so evident in the first two years of his pontificate.

Statistics suggest that many fewer Christian pilgrims are coming to Rome to pray at the tombs of the apostles — or those of the saintly and not-so-saintly dead popes — that are found in various churches, crypts and catacombs throughout the Eternal City.

But even more worrying is that these pilgrims, and all other types of tourists, are no longer flocking to St Peter’s in record numbers to see the reigning pope himself.

I don’t believe numbers have ever been good for Francis.  Right-thinking people smelled a rat with Benedict fled.  You have to live in your television to embrace FrancisChurch.

This has led some scribes to declare that the Holy Year of Mercy, which Francis opened last Dec. 8 and will bring to a close at the end of next November, is doomed to be a colossal flop.

No crowds, no party.

Catholics who have been resistant to the Jesuit pontiff’s “revolution of tenderness and mercy” must be smiling. They have been terrified that his intention is to use the Jubilee to unleash a tidal wave of God’s mercy and forgiveness, even to the point of allowing divorced and remarried members of the church to return to receiving the sacraments.

God forbid. This just will not do.

These peoples’ greatest nightmare is that this borderline heretic pope, who never even earned a doctorate in theology, might be tempted to conform the church’s doctrine to “the spirit of the world” and end up peddling “cheap grace.”

This is not an exaggeration.

Of course it isn’t.  Only an effeminate harpie would be shocked to find otherwise.

There are even bishops — some of whom are in the College of Cardinals — who use these exact terms. But their greatest fear is that the doctrinally impoverished Francis could be duped to actually usher in — hold on your rosary beads! — the “Protestantization” of the Catholic church.

It is in incredible that fifty years after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), there are still Catholics who continue to look with such contempt at their brothers and sisters who belong to the Reform churches and communities. More horrifying is that not a small number of them are comfortably ensconced in the Vatican or employed in the Roman Curia.

But it does not matter.

Pope Francis’ “revolution” is well underway and gaining momentum. Even if many millions of pilgrims do not come to Rome during the Holy Year, this phenomenon cannot be slowed down.

With the world and all its money-power behind it the NewMercy isn’t going away, that’s true.   But it will never be real and it will never replace the real Church.

Mickens’ visible hatred reveals the Satanic heart behind FrancisChurch.

In fact, the pope does not want huge crowds of people to come to Rome for the jubilee. He wants them to celebrate the yearlong event in their home dioceses, by being the first pope ever to encourage every diocesan cathedral around the world to have its own holy door. And not just the cathedrals, but also all significant shrines and even chapels in every prison.

Oh I see.  Francis doesn’t want anyone in Rome.  This is all supposed to happen at home and in prisons.  Maybe I’ve walked through a MercyDoor already by accident.  It’s funny I didn’t feel anything.

Perhaps the other old souls still stepping anywhere near a local Catholic parish didn’t notice their silly MercyDoors either.  In their ‘bitter contempt’ they thought those were just doors, nothing magical, bewitching, or spellbinding.




Looking very cardinal-esque

Looking very cardinal-esque

Here are the main speakers and topics for the upcoming National Catholic Reporter conference at Dominican University outside Chicago.

Is the National Catholic Reporter even Catholic? Their Bishop Finn didn’t think so.

Theology and Liberation: Deep Voices from the Global South

Maria Pilar Aquino, S.T.D.
In the current context of dominant global capitalism, new transformative processes have emerged encompassing social and religious actors, mobilization initiatives, and theological epistemologies, strengthening together the affirmation that another world is possible. This presentation explores the contribution of the deep voices from the Global South to those processes.

Liberation theology refresher course.  Time to bone up!

U.S Catholicism and the “New” Civil Rights Movement:  Back to the Future?

Rev. Bryan Massingale, S.T.D.
The recent killings of African Americans –especially but not only unarmed Black men — by police and other officials have launched a renewed movement to address systemic racism in our nation.  This presentation explores how this moment challenges the Catholic faith community to face the “unresolved racism” in its own life, as well as the opportunities for more engaged social reflection and justice ministry.

Ride the fake Obama racism bandwagon and contribute to crime, anti-white injustice, and destroyed black neighborhoods.

What might the new face of the church look like?

Jamie Manson
While the “Pope Francis Effect” continues to be a popular phenomenon, the level of disinterest in the institutional church continues to rise, especially among young adults. By exploring some of the new models of church that have been emerging among marginalized faith communities, this presentation will consider what forms of church may be meaningful and relevant to new generations of Catholics.

Marginalized faith communities?  This is cryptic.  Who do you think they mean?

“Take courage; get up, Jesus is calling you.”

Joan Chittister, OSB
Jesus stills calls us despite all the distractions and issues in the world and church. The way forward is rooted in the prophetic message of the gospel which demands that we seek a new way of being church.

FutureChurch: Jesus and the Gospel are calling you.  Sr. Joan knows what they want.

MASS – 4:30 p.m.

Mass for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time with Archbishop Blase Cupich as presider will immediately follow the conference for those who wish to attend. All are welcome.

Welcome to Chicago National Schismatic Reporter from FrancisBishop Cupich! (Good Bye Bishop Finn.)